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ELYNA sat in front of Abraxas and in between Ingrid and Orion who gently smacked her hands away from the food and instead made her plate for her. Eggs, toast, and fruit with a side of yogurt was put in front of her with a cup of pumpkin juice and a smiling Orion.

"Thank you, Orion" Elyna thanks the boy who just smiles, "You're welcome, Nina! You know if we were married, I would make you breakfast every single day" His smile turning into a smirk leaning closer to her but before he could get any closer Cyril was yanking him away from her. Orion let's out a surprised yelp and quickly turns to Cyril with a frown and starts to scold him from pulling away from his one true love. Elyna just sighs and turns back to her breakfast with a shake of her head catching sight of Tom who sat beside Nicholas and was currently glaring at her.

Elyna just glares back scoffing at him, guessing he must be mad about the whole Gryffindor situation. She was still mad at him for not apologizing but she wasn't going to hold a grudge about it anymore. She wasn't expecting an apology from him anyways since he was far too prideful to utter the words 'I'm sorry'. Abraxas quickly turns to Elyna and Orion as he elegantly swallows his spoonful of eggs causing Elyna to question the way she eats.

"Are you guys excited for try outs?" Abraxas asks the two, his knee shaking a bit, a horrible habit he has recently developed. Elyna was quick to notice, her eyes glancing back up to Abraxas.

"I'm pumped!" Orion exclaims leaning against Elyna who doesn't even try to move his arm away from her as he would just put it back.

"Are you excited Elyna?" Orion asks the curly haired girl who smiles at the two boys, gently pushing Orion's face away from her.

"I'm excited but I'll admit, I am a bit nervous" Elyna mumbles the last part, wringing her fingers together. She could feel her nerves building up, but don't get her wrong, she absolutely adores the sport but recently she hasn't been feeling the best. She couldn't tell if it was a common bug that could be healed from Madam Pomfrey or if it was her light magic, something that she was trying to avoid thinking about.

"You have nothing to worry about Nina! You're our best seeker!" Orion quickly reassures her with a wide smile, and for some odd reason, Elyna could feel herself become a bit calmer at his reassuring words. She shakes her head trying to rid the nerves and smiles gently at the two boys, "Thank you for the reassuring words" She smiles, pushing a curly piece of hair out of her face.

"Well, I'm pretty excited to see you three back in action. I'll be there at try outs with Charlie to watch you all " Ingrid states from beside Elyna as she touches up her lip gloss in the transfigured mirror. Abraxas chuckles, glancing down at his expensive wristwatch, "I think it's best that we head down now, we don't want to miss try outs" Elyna nods her head and stands up following Abraxas out the door, Orion right beside her.

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