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PENNY ran straight into her dorm ignoring all of the curious gazes and sniggers directed towards her. She was lucky that none of her dorm mates were in the room or else they'd try to comfort her before turning their backs on her, talking about how 'fake and a crybaby' she was.

All she wanted in life was to have a close friend who would stick up for her and comfort her, not laugh at her and call her rude names. She just wanted to be like Elyna Achard with her perfect smile, perfect body, perfect face, perfect personality, and one of the smartest people to attend Hogwarts tying with Tom Riddle, who was the brightest wizard Penny knew. She had everyone wrapped around her perfect little finger with the perfect rich family and one of the most good-looking bachelors chasing after her. With the perfect best friend who cared for her and trusted her completely, always by her side to defend her from anyone and everyone. Merlin how she wished with all of her heart to be Elyna Achard the perfect girl and daughter.

Perfect Perfect Perfect Perfect Perfect

"Penny? ... are you in there? Penny?" A knocking came from her door and the familiar voice of Elyna was heard, causing Penny to sob harder, "Go away" Penny yells wiping her tears away as quickly as she could

"Can I please come in? I really need to talk to you Penny." Elyna pleas from the other side of the door, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. After Penny had run off, Elyna could not bring herself to ignore the incident.

Penny sniffles and remains silent contemplating if she should open the door or not. She sighs and wipes away her tears before quietly opening the door to see Elyna standing there with a frown on her face. Penny frowns at the sight of her and defensively crosses her arms over her chest, becoming guarded.

"What do you want?" Penny sneers, her lips wobbling and her eyes wet with tears that she hurriedly wipes away. Elyna frowns, feeling her heart become heavy with sadness, oh she truly did feel bad.

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright, can I come in?" Elyna asks, a comforting smile on her face

"Whatever" Penny mumbles before turning around to sit on her bed watching Elyna walk in and close the door behind her, "Why'd you really come here Achard?" Penny asks watching Elyna take a seat across from her

"I told you I came to check on yo-" Elyna was cut off by Penny who glares at the curly haired girl, "Cut the crap Achard " Penny glares at the confused Elyna, "I'm being serious Penny, I really did come to check on you because you were crying" Elyna says with furrowed eyebrows

"You hate me so why would you care about my feelings?" Penny asks feeling just as confused as Elyna who laughs at her choice of words, "I never hated you Penny- sure you really annoyed me and yeah, you have made me extremely angry at times, but I've never hated you." Elyna smiles before continuing, "You know when I first saw you, I was jealous at how confident and free you were. Every time you saw something or someone you liked; you would just go for it without a care in the world. No one was behind you whispering all of your choices into your ear, the choice was always yours and you took advantage of it, I've always envied that about you." Elyna truthfully admits to Penny who sniffles, "You were jealous of me?" Penny laughs loudly at the revelation, disbelief written all over her.

"Why are you laughing?" Elyna frowns watching as Penny throws her head back in laughter, hysterical at this point.

"How could the perfect Elyna Achard be jealous me?! Penny Parkinson! The girl who everyone laughs at and pushes around! Me! You're jealous of me!" Penny yells, eyes wide as she points a finger at herself, tears in her eyes. Elyna purses her lips before standing up and facing Penny.

"Yes, I'm jealous of you Penny because when everyone laughs at you or pushes you around you get right back up and go for it again. I'm jealous of your freedom despite being a Pureblood because you get to choose who you marry or what you do with your life. " Elyna admits to Penny who stares up at her with red puffy eyes.

"So, I'm sorry for making you cry because it wasn't my intention to, and I was hoping to put everything behind us and maybe become friends? " Elyna asks with a small hopeful smile growing on her face, extending her hand towards Penny who seems to think it through before carefully shaking Elyna's hand.

"I truly hope that you know that I'm happy to be friends with you Penny, because I think you're a pretty cool person" Elyna smiles down at Penny before turning away and walking out of the room, promising to hang out later.

Penny sat on her bed with a dumbfound look on her face. Elyna Achard was jealous of her? She just couldn't process how the perfect Elyna Achard was jealous of her and wanted to be her friend! A new light shines down on Penny Parkinson as she slowly starts to realize her worth.

She was pretty cool! She realizes as she lays in bed rethinking Elyna's words. She definitely needed some new friends and Elyna was the best choice to start anew. She didn't need fake friends in her life, and she needed to quite chasing after toxic men and go after the one who kept chasing her despite her rejections. She knew what she wanted to do in life, and she found the newfound determination to pursue healing instead of finding a rich husband like everyone wanted her to. She wanted to go out and pursue a career of her own knowing her parents would support her decision with smiles on their faces. Perhaps she'll even travel around the world to heal others and explore what was out there. She really needed to thank Elyna for knocking her out of the headset she was in.

Penny lays there with wide eyes oblivious to how imperfect Elyna Achard really was. Her family was dysfunctional, her smiles were fake, she studied every single day to be the perfect student, she carried a huge burden on her shoulders as the heir to the Achard family, and she had no freedom to make her own choices having everything picked for her. But no one knew that because she was perfect Elyna Achard someone who had no flaws in the eyes of everyone else but herself.

Because in reality, Elyna Achard, had her own facade to keep up for the pleasurment of everyone but herself.


I know this one is pretty short but it's just to show penny's thoughts and explain a little more about Lilith!

Lucy Hale as Penny Parkinson

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