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THEY arrived at Hogwarts, the stars twinkling brightly above them. Chatter filled the space as the first years were led to the boats and the remaining students drifting towards the carriages. Charles was quick to lead the two girls to a carriage and helped them up the carriage, like the gentleman he was. Charles lifts himself up the carriage and closes the door before it was ripped open again by a familiar curly haired boy.

"Elyna!" Orion exclaims, hopping onto the carriage and plopping himself right between Elyna and Ingrid who rolls her eyes, pushing him  away from her with a disgusted scoff.

"Ew" Ingrid grimaces scooting away from Orion and by Charles who laughs at Ingrids disgusted face.

Abraxas, Cyril, Nicholas, and Tom followed behind Orion, shutting the door and signaling for the carriage to go. Elyna frowns and gently pinches Orions arm with an annoyed huff.

"Ouch!" Orion yelps at the sharp pain, quick to rub his arm to sooth the pain.

"Get off of me! You're heavy! How much do you weigh Orion?" Elyna exclaims trying to push the heavy boy off of her, his curly black hair getting into her face as he sighs dramatically putting all of his weight on her.

"You never ask a man his weight Ellie! Hasn't your mother taught you any manners!" He dramatically cries while Elyna rolls her eyes at his dramatics.

"Get off before I hex you" Elyna threatens going to grab her wand but before she could he leaped off of her lap and to the open spot next to her

"I would rather not be hexed today" Orion surrenders with his hands up in the air.

"Potter, are you ready to get your butt whooped in quidditch this season?" Abraxas asks looking at Charles who glares at the white haired boy.

"Please, the only reason Slytherin won last year was because you have Elyna playing for you. Plus last year you guys only won by two points" Charles glares at Abraxas who shrugs his shoulders, a cocky grin spreading across his face.

"Two points that beat you" Abraxas teases with a smirk on his face, silently fist-bumping Elyna who smiles.

"Why you-" Charles was cut off by Ingrid who slaps Charles hand that was going for his wand.

"If any of you idiots start throwing around jinxes, you will all wish your mothers never gave birth to you idiots. I swear it!" Ingrid threatens mumbling about if they hit her and ruined her beautiful face she would make sure they regret it. Tom scoffs at the threat before continuing to look out of the window, studying the castle from afar.

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