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ELYNA walks beside Ingrid and Charles as they head to their first class, potions with the Gryffindors. The walk to the cold dungeons was filled with Charles rambling on about how try outs were going to start next week. "Ellie, I'm telling you; this third year has potential!" Charles exclaims in excitement. Elyna smiles at her friend's excitement, shaking her head "I do hope it works out for you Charlie, you are going to need it" Elyna winks whilst Ingrid giggles, "Do not forget Charles, you're talking to the enemy here" Ingrid points towards herself and Elyna. Elyna herself was beginning to feel excitement over try outs, hoping to build the team up for this coming season. The trio's conversation was cut short when they reached the dungeons, each going to their respective seats.

Elyna and Ingrid sat together whilst Charles sat behind them with Septimus. Elyna glances up to see Tom sitting with Nicholas in the front of the class. He was speaking with professor Slughorn, a charming smile on his face. Elyna rolls her eyes at the sight and gestures her head towards Riddle, mocking his facade, pulling a laugh out of Charles. Ingrid shakes her head at the shenanigans, fixing her hair before Professor Slughorn begins the class.

"Everyone, Welcome to potions! I hate to do this. but this year we will be having assigned seating, all of you stand up" Professor Slughorn exclaims sending a glance towards Elyna and Tom.

"Ingrid Valentine with Joseph Collins" Professor Slughorn reads off from his piece of parchment oblivious to the shy smile that Joseph sends to Ingrid. "Charles Potter with Billy Prewitt" Charles pumps his fist in the air and does some kind of handshake with Billy as he takes the seat beside the boy. Elyna frowns at her two friends, feeling a bit disappointed that she was nowhere near them.

"Septimus Weasley with Cedrella Black" Septimus face instantly goes red while Cedrella sends him a small inviting smile.

"Nicholas Evans with Penny Parkinson" Evans bangs his head on the table, sending a desperate look towards Riddle who ignores his friend.

"Tom Riddle with Elyna Achard" Elyna could hear some of the girls behind her sigh in disappointment as she moves her things to the front table where Tom sat. Elyna was more than aware of Professor Slughorn looking more than content with himself seeing the two of them together. It made her stomach twist in knots, and not in a good way. She steals a glance beside her to gauge Toms reaction, but he sat tall, focused completely on Slughorn until he caught her gaze. His face scrunched up, "Try not to mess anything up" he sneers.

Elyna glares at the boy, quick with her rebuttal, "Do not forget Riddle, we are tied for first place for a reason. The reason is that I am just as smart if not smarter than you" She sneers back, ignoring the offended look on his face and the audible scoff he lets out. He goes to say something but is interrupted by Professor Slughorn speaking, "The person you are sitting next to will be your new partner for the rest of the year and for the upcoming projects. I know you will all do well in your designated spots" Professor Slughorn sends a knowing glance towards where Tom and Elyna sat, a joyous feeling bubbling up in the old professor. He took joy in seeing his two best students work together.

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