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CHAPTER SIX: GLARES AND BRUISES _____________________________

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ELYNA was walking down the corridors with Charles listening to him talk about tryouts that were taking place in a few days. She had not talked or seen Tom since last night when he yelled at her, and she was not expecting to see him. Elyna's fist clenches at the aching feeling on her arm and Tom's failure of apologizing to her. "Elyna? You alright?" Charles asks snapping her out of her thoughts

"Huh? Oh yeah I am perfectly fine" She quickly answers her friend with a small smile on her face. Charles glances down at her, breath stolen for a moment as the sun hit her face perfectly, giving the appearance of an angel. Elyna's eyebrows furrow at his sudden daze, feeling worry for her friend, "Charlie, are you alright?" eyes filled with worry, as she begins to slow her walk. 

Charles shakes his head, brown locks shaking as he nervously chuckles, "Sorry about that, I got lost in through all of a sudden. Back to you, are you sure you are alright? You seem a bit tired." he ask with concern.

"Yes Charles, I am fine, there is no need to worry. I was just thinking about try outs is all" Elyna reassures her friend, quick to change the subject. She really was not okay especially with the whole Tom incident and on top of that, she woke up feeling terrible. Her birthmark was throbbing and the bruises that Tom left, failed to heal themselves like they usually do. You see, when a person who possesses light magic become injured, their body is quick to heal themselves but this time it lacked to do that. When Elyna had seen the bruises this morning, she was shocked at the lack of healing and the fact that Tom had grabbed her so harshly, she hadn't even recognized that the boy had such strength to him. 

"You have nothing to worry about you are an amazing seeker and for the first time ever, I actually envy Abraxas for having you on his team" Charles rolls his eyes, dramatically throwing himself over Elyna. "Please dear Ellie, join the Gryffindor team" He cries out, faking a cry to convince Elyna to switch. 

"I would not be a good Gryffindor" Elyna mutters, a cold shiver running up her spine at the thought, thinking of what her family would do to her if she were a Gryffindor. Thank Merlin, the hat put her with Slytherin. 

" You are right not just anyone can pull off red and yellow" Charles smirks, puffing his chest and showing off the Gryffindor colors.  Elyna was quick to smack his chest, mocking an offended gasp, "I'll have you know red looks magnificent on me!" Elyna shouts at the boy, flicking her hair, smirking when it hit him in the face. 

"She's right, my Nina looks absolutely ravishing in red as well as pastel blue, royal blue, purples for sure..." Orion Black suddenly appears behind them with a charming smirk on his face and still listing colors that look good on Elyna. 

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