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        ELYNA reaches the compartment where the prefect meeting was being held and lets out a breath of relief when she realizes most of the prefects weren't even there yet not even the head boy or girl. She sighs and takes a seat in the corner when the compartment door slides open to reveal Tom Riddle and his shiny new badge saying prefect. Elyna groans inside of her head but she can't say she isn't surprised as Tom was the 'perfect' student.

"Riddle" Elyna greets politely always remembering what her mother says about good manners.

"Achard" Tom greets back taking the corner seat across from her, Elyna oblivious to his skittish glances.

"I see you have also been made prefect as well" Tom says glancing down at her badge.

"Yes! and I see you have also been made prefect, yay for me" Elyna says with a snarky smile and Tom smirks at the curly haired girl.

"Most girls would die to be in my presence I mean they practically kiss the ground I walk on; I'm surprised you aren't Achard" Tom smirks at the girl watching as her face reddens in anger but before she could open her mouth all of the prefects walk in and right behind them are the chosen head boy and girl.

"Shall we get this meeting started?" The head boy from Ravenclaw, William Wilson asks with a small smile on his face.

"Well, first off congratulations to all of our new prefects! You were all personally hand-picked by your head teacher for your exceptional behavior and grades." The head girl from Gryffindor, Reece Goodall, congratulates us all with a smile on her face.

"And second of all we have some new things being added to the list of things to do." Reece says grabbing a piece of paper from her robes to read off the list of added things.

"The first thing is a buddy system; each prefect will be paired with another prefect to monitor the halls late at night for everyone's safety" Reece reads off the piece of paper some of the girl prefects from other houses sighing dreamily as they glance over at Tom who doesn't spare them a glance.

"The pairs will be Dean Jackson and Kaylee Addington, Victoria Bryant and Benjamin Weston, Tom Riddle and..." The remaining girls sitting at the top of their seats besides Elyna who glares at Xavier Lopez who was looking her up and down, practically drooling over her. She just prays she doesn't get partnered with him she would rather die than be partnered with Xavier or even be partnered with Tom Riddle and that's saying something since she really doesn't like the boy-

"And Elyna Achard..." Elyna looks up in shock as the rest of the girls slump back into their seats with frowns, glaring at Elyna.

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