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ELYNA sat beside Tom in potions, both listening carefully to the instructions that Professer Slughorn was giving, "Today we will be making Polyjuice Potion, do any of you know what it does?" He asks and both Lilith and Tom raise their hand, eyeing each other with disdain.

"Elyna dear!" He calls on her causing Elyna to smirk widely at Tom who glares at her, pointing his nose up in the air.

"Polyjuice is a potion that allows someone to disguise themselves as another and if I may add Professor, some of the side effects to the potion is that you can sometimes take on animal features that will take time to go away. " Elyna answers smugly, flicking her curly blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Right you are Elyna as expected of one of my favorite students! 20 points to Slytherins!" He exclaims with a twinkle in his eye, smiling widely at Elyna before continuing the lesson.

"The person beside you will be your partner in making this potion" Professor Slughorn smiles before releasing everyone to make their potions.

"You can go get the ingredients " Tom glares writing down a few notes, "And try not to mess up the ingredients Achard" He adds in, succesfully irriating her. Elyna grits her teeth, breathing out "Merlin, please save me" She mutters out, quick to walk towards the ingredients table. She quickly grabs what she needs from the table and takes her time walking back to where an impatient Tom sat.

"Took your time I see" Tom grumbles but Elyna says nothing and quickly gets to work beside Tom, wanting to finish and leave as quick as possible. They finished far before any else did, most having trouble with the potion.

Once they were done Elyna was raising her hand, calling for Professor Slughorns attention. He was quick to come over, a large smile on his face, his eyes twinkling at how well his star students worked together, "Absolutely perfect, I expected nothing less than perfect from my star students" He smiles widely at the duo who give him an equally wide smile, basking in the praise.

"Oh! before I forget I must tell you two something!" Slughorn exclaims leaning closer to the duo, "As you both know I always throw a small party to kickstart the year!" He smiles while the duo nod, both being invited to every single party Slughorn ever threw in their five years of attending Hogwarts.

"And it would truly make my day if my two-star students attended together! Won't you make an old man happy?" He smiles with a mischievous glint in his eyes, greedily waiting for an answer.

Elyna's eyes widen while Tom stiffened at the sudden question, the two slowly turn to each trying to hold back their disgust at having to attend anything together. The two could both agree that they did not like the idea of attending together but if that is what would make Slughorn happy then so be it. A wary smile spreads across Elyna's face while Tom threw a charming smile towards Professor Slughorn.

"Why that's no problem at all!" Tom smiles widely turning towards Elyna who nods her head, "Anything for you Professor Slughorn!" she exclaims, not wanting to disappoint any of her professors despite wanting to bang her head against the desk right now. She would pick Orion over Tom any day yet here she is, stuck in a horrible predicament.

"Oh, how marvelous! The party is tomorrow! Invites will be passed out during dinner!" He exclaims happily, his wide smile falling at the sight of a student's cauldron overflowing with what was supposed to be Polyjuice, "Oh you idiot!" Slughorn yells stomping towards the student with his wand out to clean up the mess.

"Do not think too much into this situation Achard. I wouldn't dare even invite you if my leg was being cut off" Tom sneers causing the girl to glare at him, feeling absolutely mutual.

"I would say the same to you to Riddle but it seems you've already read too much into this situation" Elyna glares packing her stuff and leaving before Tom could say anything else to her.


Elyna grumbles stomping towards the quidditch field to get some of her pent-up anger out. Her scowl only deepens when she sees Orion Black flying around the field. Orion Black was definitely the hugest flirt that she's ever known, and she was not in the mood for him. Before Elyna could decide anything, Orion had already spotted her, quickly flying down and walking towards her with a small smile on his face.

"Hey Nina!" He greets her quickly noticing the mood she was in and tilting his head like a puppy, " Are you alright?" His eyebrows furrow in worry while Elyna throws her stuff onto the ground.

"Everything's perfectly fine" She spits out glaring up at Orion who purses his lips, "Hey it's okay.. you can tell me and maybe I can help you" He offers watching her pace back and fort,"Ugh it's just that I have to go to Slughorns stupid party with Tom freaking Riddle, the biggest jerk in history. I know I'm overreacting a bit but who can blame me, he's a rude slug face!..." She grits her teeth in anger while Orion nods in agreement letting Elyna rant to him with a smile on his face.

Orion continues to let Elyna rant to him about Tom, agreeing with everything that came out of her mouth. Orion would let her rant to him anytime of the day, no matter how long it takes for her to rant or what he was doing, just as long as he could be in her presence. He would do anything for Elyna because she was the only girl he's ever been in love with and though she doesn't know it, he would die for her in a heartbeat.

He enjoyed her presence for the rest of the evening as they flew around the field, letting some of her anger out. Elyna could feel herself begin to relax, a smile spreading across her face as she flew around the field, giggles spilling from her mouth as Orion bumped into her side.

They flew around for a few hours, enjoying the sun and fresh air, no worries on their minds as they enjoy each other's presence. Problems of today were problems of tomorrows.


𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 || 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now