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ELYNA was always a morning person, so it wasn't a surprise that she woke up before the sun did as she prepared for the day. She had plenty of time to get dressed and fix her hair before she woke her roommates up. Elyna gave one last look to her now awake roommates before making her way downstairs to make sure the first years know where to go.

"Uhm Ms. Achard ?" A first years nervously asks looking up at her.

"Yes? Also please call me Elyna" Elyna smiles down at the first year.

"What do we do?" She asks with her hands behind her back looking up at Elyna with wide eyes. 

"Well breakfast starts at exactly 7:00 o'clock which is just in 20 minutes. Breakfast is held in the great hall where you were sorted into your house and where you will also be receiving your class schedule. Do you remember the way to the great hall or do you need me to lead you to the great hall again?" Elyna politely asks the first year who nods her head. 

"Thank you, Elyna and no ma'am I memorized the way just, like Mr. Riddle said to" She thanks Elyna and goes back to the other first years to tell them what Elyna told her.   

"Well, aren't you helpful" Toms voice says from behind her causing Elyna to jump a bit at the suddenness of his voice. 

"Riddle" Elyna greets with a frown. 

"What a joyous morning greeting" Tom sarcastically says with a smirk on his face.

"Good mourning Riddle! How was your mourning?" Elyna sarcastically asks the boy who smiles down at her. 

"It was absolutely wonderful Achard, thank you for asking" He smiles causing Elyna to roll her eyes at the boy before noticing his little minions weren't around. 

"Where are your little minions?"  Elyna suspiciously asks Tom who raises an eyebrow at her.

"Why? Looking for Orion?" Tom asks causing Elyna to scoff, "Ew, no, I would never voluntarily be looking for Orion Black. It is just weird and suspicious seeing you without your little boy club" Elyna states with her arms crossed over her chest, but it seemed like Merlin was listening to her as Orion Black came hurdling down the stairs with a wide smile.

"Elyna Ines Achard ! Give me a smile! " Orion exclaims throwing his arms around Elyna who stumbles back from the sudden weight of his arms around her. Elyna groans at the presence of Orion and pushes his arms off of her with a glare.

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 || 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄Where stories live. Discover now