Chapter 2

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Geppetto and Pinocchio were carving a magical wardrobe out of the enchanted tree.

In another part of the castle, Snow White stood on a balcony with Rose Red and Grace beside her and Prince Charming walked to them.

"I don't want to do this," Snow White said as she turned to her sister.

"You have to go," Rose Red said.

"I'm not leaving you," Snow White said.

"It's the only way. You'll go in there and you'll be safe from the curse," Rose Red said.

"He said it would be on her twenty-eighth birthday," Snow White said.

"You can do this, you're everyone's only hope... I'm gonna check on the dwarf's," Rose Red said and walked out.

"Everything will work out, Snow, I promise," Prince Charming said and they kissed, when they pulled apart, Snow White looked distraught.

"What is it, auntie?" Grace asked.

"Baby..." Snow White looked up at her husband, "She's coming," She told him.

On the walls surrounding the castle, Grumpy was keeping his eyes on the castle when he saw something and he kicked Sleepy, who was sleeping beside him.

"Get up! Get up! Look!" Grumpy said.

Rose Red walked towards them, "Grumpy, what's the..." Rose Red trailed off and as she saw a dark purple cloud in the distance, it rapidly covered the land and was on its way towards the castle. 

Grumpy ran over to the bell and began to frantically ring it, "The curse! It's here!!" He yelled.

Rose Red disappeared in a cloud of red smoke, "Queen Rose!?" Sleepy said.

"She's down there!" Grumpy said and pointed to Rose Red who was stood in the courtyard, facing the cloud.

"Mama!" Grace yelled from a window.

End of Flashback

The next day, Sarah walked down the street carrying a few coffee takeaway cups and she walked into the Sherrif's Department.

"Morning, sister," Leroy said.

"Leroy... You got arrested again?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah," Leroy said and left the department.

Sarah shook her head and walked into the room and found Graham and Marco, "Marco, your coffee," Sarah said and placed one near his ladder.

"Oh! You're a dear, Sarah, you don't have to," Marco said.

"I wanted to, the least I can do for all the help you give with Paige when I've needed it... It's just a morning coffee, nothing life-changing," Sarah walked to Graham and handed him one of the coffee's, "Here you go," Sarah said.

"Thank you, I'll get you one tomorrow, like usual," Graham said.

"Sounds good," Sarah looked into a cell and saw a blonde woman, "Uh... Hello," Sarah said.

Rose Red [Jefferson Hatter || OUAT || Mad Red #1]Where stories live. Discover now