Chapter 24

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Henry pulled Paige to August's room at the inn, Henry knocked on the door and they both waited.

"Hang on," August said from behind the door before he opened the door and the two children walked in.

"August, please, we need your help. Emma wants to leave," Henry said.

"What?" August shut the door and looked at them, "Slow down," He said.

"Y-You were going to make her believe. You have to," Henry said.

"I know, Henry. I'm sorry. I... I failed," August said.

"Failed?" Paige asked.

"I tried to show her. At first, it was my legs and now... Now, take a look... At the unvarnished truth," August said and pulled back his sleeve to reveal a wooden arm.

"It's wood," Henry said.

"Yes," August said.

"All of this... I was right. The curse... It's real!" Henry said.

"You are a smart kid," August and Henry looked at Paige who was staring in shock, "Paige?" August said.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked.

"I feel like I'm going insane... He's turning into wood," Paige said.

"You're not going insane... Princess," August said and Paige blinked looking shocked.

"And you're Pinocchio," Henry said.

"What gave it away?" August asked as he covered his wooden arm.

"But, why are you turning back to wood? Your story... You should be real," Henry said.

"I'm changing back because... I haven't exactly been a good boy and... Well... If the curse doesn't break... This doesn't stop," August said.

"So, we show Emma that you're turning back into the puppet you were and then, she has to believe and when she does, she could break the curse," Henry said.

"I tried that. She doesn't want to see, so she doesn't. There's nothing more that I can do. I...I'm getting tired, it's hard to ride and it's hard to walk. Soon, it's going to be hard to breathe," August said.

 Soon, it's going to be hard to breathe," August said

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"So, we have to do something fast," Paige said.

"There's nothing to do and with what little time I have left, I want to spend it with my father," August said.

"Marco," Henry said.

"Told you you're a smart kid," August said.

"So, everyone's giving up," Henry said.

"I'm afraid that I don't have a choice. I'm sorry, kid, but I'm out of Operation Cobra. Now, it's up to you guys," August said.

"What do I have to do?" Henry asked.

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