Chapter 4

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Sarah was in her shop, sat behind the counter as she looked through her inventory book and Mr Gold walked inside, she looked at him surprised.

"Mr Gold... I think you're lost, you don't own this shop, I do, no rent needed to be collected here," Sarah said.

"I'm looking for someone," Mr Gold said.

"Try the Sheriff's Department," Sarah said.

"I would but I believe you know the man I'm looking for," Mr Gold said as he walked to the counter.

"I don't believe I would, I don't know people who have a past with you," Sarah said.

"Oh, but you do... Jefferson," Mr Gold said.

Sarah looked at him, "Who?" She said.

"Play dumb all you like, dearie, but I know he's found you," Mr Gold said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Sarah lied.

Mr Gold smiled annoyedly as he exhaled sharply, "Alright. Whatever you say," Mr Gold said and turned to walk out.

Jefferson walked in and saw Mr Gold, "What the hell are you doing here?" Jefferson asked.

"You don't know him, do you not?" Mr Gold turned to look at Sarah, "Well, it appears you're both about to meet," Mr Gold looked back at Jefferson, "We need to talk, dear," Mr Gold said.

"I'm done talking with you," Jefferson walked past Mr Gold towards Sarah, "Are you okay?" Jefferson asked worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," Sarah said with a nod.

Mr Gold watched them, "I don't think you want sweet Sarah, to hear this... It involves our past," Mr Gold said.

"You have a past with him?" Sarah asked.

"A long time ago, I don't anymore... I...I need to talk to Mr Gold," Sarah looked worried instantly, "Hey, hey, don't worry... Nothing will happen I'll be back before you know it. I promise," Jefferson said.

Sarah frowned a little feeling a sting in her heart from those words, "I don't think she believes you, dear, I mean... How could she, you have already broken a similar promise to her," Mr Gold said.

Sarah looked at Mr Gold, "What?" Sarah looked at Jefferson, "What's he talking about? You've never broken any promises with me," Jefferson looked at her tearfully, "W...Why are you looking at me like that?" Sarah said worriedly.

"I'll see you later," Jefferson kissed her forehead and walked to Mr Gold, "Let's go," Jefferson said

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"I'll see you later," Jefferson kissed her forehead and walked to Mr Gold, "Let's go," Jefferson said.

"Certainly," Mr Gold said and the two men left as Sarah watched Jefferson leave.

Jefferson shut the door behind them, "Never go near her again, have I made myself clear?" Jefferson said.

"True love, not as true as one believes, wouldn't you agree?" Mr Gold said.

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