Chapter 18

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Sarah walked to the pier where Emma was looking at the storybook, she sat beside her, "You rang?" Sarah said.

"I need help," Emma said.

"I'm not Archie," Sarah said.

"Not that kind of help... Since Jefferson..." Sarah tensed up and Emma noticed, "Sorry, it's probably still sore for you, huh?" Emma said.

"Yeah... Still getting used to it... To the fact he did that," Sarah said.

"Right, sorry," Emma said.

"Don't be..." Sarah said and looked down.

August walked up to them, "What are you two doing?" August asked.

"Grasping at straws," Emma said.

"Trying not to think the man I love is deranged," Sarah said, Emma looked at her and rubbed her back.

"Still trying to find a way to prove your friend's been framed?" August asked.

"Every time I go down a path I think leads somewhere, it ends up being a dead end. I used to think I had great instincts... Superpower. Oh, I don't know," Emma said.

"It sounds like you got a case of writer's block. Only without the whole writing part," August said.

"Maybe," Emma said.

"You know, when I get struck by a block, I usually reread what I've done, rather than plough ahead blindly. Sometimes, I find there'll be a little nugget of inspiration left behind," August said.

"You mean start over?" Emma asked.

"I mean, when I start writing, I usually have one idea. And then, in the middle, I may get another idea, and things are different," August said.

"So, your perspective changes," Sarah said.

"Exactly. Emma, when you started this investigation, what was it about?" August asked.

"A missing person. Then, it became a murder, and then a cover-up," Emma said.

"If you knew that then, maybe you would have approached things differently," August said.

Emma closed the book, putting it in her bag and stood up, "Where are you going?" Sarah asked.

"Scene of the crime," Emma said and started walking away.

"I'll drive," August said and followed her.

"No, I'm fine," Emma said.

"No, you're not. You haven't slept in days," Sarah said.

"Unlike you?" Emma said.

"Ever been in a coma?" Emma and August looked at her, "It's not fun," Sarah said.

"True... Anyway, I'm off, be careful with Mr Gold," Emma said and Sarah waved her bye.

"I'm driving, it was my idea," August said.

Sarah watched as they walked away and August looked at her, she nodded and took out her phone looking through it.


Young Rose Red and Young Snow White were staring at the flowers in the castle, Young Snow White reached out to touch one, but was stopped by Cora who was walking up to them.

"Careful, sweethearts. A flower is a delicate thing. Be gentle. You want it to grow and not pluck it before its time," Cora said as she admired a flower.

Rose Red [Jefferson Hatter || OUAT || Mad Red #1]Where stories live. Discover now