Chapter 12

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Rose Red, Snow White and Red Riding Hood were searching for tracks in the forest.

"What about that?" Snow White asked as she pointed to a pawprint in the snow.

"That's a dog. See how small that is? Don't look where the snow's drifted, it covers tracks," Red Riding Hood said.

"Hey. Over here," Rose Red said and pointed to an animal's paw print in the snow.

Snow White and Red Riding Hood looked at it, "That... Is a rabbit. What we're looking for will be huge. Like a dog print, but big. Like, eight inches across with big, long claws," Red Riding Hood explained.

"Like these?" Snow White asked as she looked at the wolf paw prints.

Red Riding Hood and Rose Red looked at a trail of massive paw prints that were leading through the forest, "Yes. And those... Oh, my gods... How big is this thing?" Red Riding Hood said as they looked at the gaps between the paw prints.

"This was one stride? From here... To there?" Rose Red asked.

"Come on, over there. Through the brush and off towards the hill," Red Riding Hood said and the three walked through the woods.

"You're good at this," Snow White said.

"When there's something I want, I'm good at tracking it down," Red Riding Hood said.

"When there's something I want, I'm good at tracking it down," Red Riding Hood said

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"Hmm... Not complaining," Rose Red said.

End of Flashback

At the station, Henry and Paige were searching the internet for a job for Ruby as she sat next to them, while the phone on the desk continuously rung.

"Want to be a bike messenger?" Paige asked.

"Bike messenger?" Ruby questioned.

"That's about taking things to people in a little basket," Henry said.

"Nope. Yeah, see, I'm not so great at bike riding," Ruby said.

"How about taking things on foot, to people, in a little basket?" Henry asked.

Ruby frowned a little in confusion, "I'm not so sure that's a real job," Ruby said.

Ruby frowned a little in confusion, "I'm not so sure that's a real job," Ruby said

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Rose Red [Jefferson Hatter || OUAT || Mad Red #1]Where stories live. Discover now