Chapter 23

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Regina and Henry were eating dinner at their dining table as the doorbell rang, "I don't recall us expecting any company," The doorbell rang again, Regina walked over to the door, opened it to see Emma, "Sheriff Swan. What are you doing here?" Regina asked.

"Henry invited me," Emma said.

"Do you honestly believe I'd allow you into my house, for dinner, after all the threats you made to my family?" Regina asked.

"I didn't come for dinner," Emma said.

"Then, what did you come for?" Regina asked.

"You," Regina looked behind her to see Henry was gone, "We all did," Emma said and Regina turned back to her and saw Archie, Mary Margaret, Ruby, David, Granny, Leroy, Grace and Sarah standing behind Emma at the door.

Regina backed away and turned to run up the stairs, she looked up to see Henry at the top of the stairs holding a rope coil.

"Henry," Regina said.

Emma glanced at Sarah who walked up to Regina, "You are such a disappointment, Regina. You aren't the mother I thought you were," Sarah said.


Regina was pinned against the tree as Archie and Ruby tied Regina to the tree. The rest of the Seven Dwarves were with the group and Granny along with two of the dwarves held lit torches.

"No. No. Let me go. I command it!" Regina said.

"After everything you've done to all of us?" Ruby questioned.

"My apologies, Your Majesty, but my conscience is clear!" Archie said.

"You're not Queen anymore, sister!" Leroy said.

"Tighter! She needs to feel our pain!" Granny said.

"You took our love and ripped it apart!" Mary Margaret said.

"And now you're gonna pay," David said.

Emma plucked a black apple from the tree and she squashed it in her hand releasing an inordinate amount of black juice as Regina grimaced.

Emma plucked a black apple from the tree and she squashed it in her hand releasing an inordinate amount of black juice as Regina grimaced

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"Rotten to the core," Emma said.

"I just wanted to win. For once," Regina said.

Sarah and Emma passed each other, Sarah grabbed Regina by her chin, "You took away our happiness, and it's our turn to take away yours," Sarah said and she approached Mary Margaret and they hugged each other.

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