Chapter 13

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Rose Red, Jefferson and Grace walked towards a dwarves cottage and Rose Red knocked on the door, Grumpy opened the door.

"What's this about Snow going to the Dark One to removed her love for James?" Rose Red asked.

"You might want to come inside," Grumpy said and the three walked inside.

"She had to break his heart and couldn't keep living with her own broken heart," Doc said.

"Is Auntie going to be okay, Mama?" Grace asked.

Rose Red looked at Jiminy on the table, "I think we're going in the right direction... Whenever you're ready Jiminy," Rose Red said.

Jiminy Cricket looked at Grumpy, "Can you bring Snow to us?" Jiminy Cricket asked.

"Please, Grumpy," Rose Red said as they all sat at the table but Grumpy.

"Yeah, I'll go get her," Grumpy said and walked off.

Grumpy walked into Snow White's room where she was trying to aggressively swat a bluebird with the broom on the table.

Grumpy walked into Snow White's room where she was trying to aggressively swat a bluebird with the broom on the table

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"Snow? What are you... What are you doing?" Grumpy asked.

"Getting rid of the vermin in this house," Snow White continued to try and swat the bluebird with the broom but the bluebird flew out of the window as Snow White chased it to the window and noticed Grumpy was still there, "What do you want?" Snow White asked as she looked at him.

"It's dinner time," Grumpy said.

"I'm not hungry," Snow White said.

"Come on," He took her hand, "We made something extra special tonight," Grumpy said and led her to the dining area where her family was with the other dwarves at the table.

"Auntie!" Grace said.

Rose Red looked at her, "Hi, sis," Rose Red said.

"Rose?" Snow White said.

"How are you feeling?" Rose Red asked.

Snow White studied her sister's expression, "Somebody died?" Snow White asked.

Jiminy Cricket flew off Jefferson's shoulder and landed on the table in front of Snow White and Grumpy, "Snow, why don't you have a seat?" Jiminy Cricket said.

Rose Red [Jefferson Hatter || OUAT || Mad Red #1]Where stories live. Discover now