Chapter 6

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Rose Red, Jefferson, Snow White and Prince Charming were travelling through the forest.

Prince Charming looked at the necklace that hung around Snow White's neck, "I thought you weren't the jewellery type. What's that around your neck?" Prince Charming asked.

"Don't worry about it," Prince Charming took the necklace from her neck, "Careful!" She went to take it but he held it up, "It's a weapon," Snow White said.

"Dust? What kind of weapon is dust?" Prince Charming asked.

"Fairy Dust," Snow White said.

"I thought that was a good thing?" Prince Charming said.

"When it comes from a good fairy. This stuff? Is deadly. It transforms the most fearsome of adversaries into a form that's easily squashed," Snow White said.

"Then why didn't you use it on me?" Prince Charming asked.

"'Cause, you're not worth it. It's very hard to come by. I'm saving it for a special someone," Snow White said.

"Ah, the Queen. You got a lot of anger there, don't you, Snow?" Prince Charming said as he pocketed the necklace.

"The charges on her posters are lies. It didn't stop her from sending her huntsman to rip out my heart," Snow White said.

"What happened?" Prince Charming asked.

"Well, not everyone is a soulless royal. He took pity on me and let me go. I've been hiding in the forest ever since. Trying to amass enough fortune to leave this place. Escape to another realm. Somewhere isolated. Where I can never be hurt," Snow White said.

"Sounds lonely," Prince Charming said.

"That would be if she was going alone... Now, can we continue so we never have to see your dumbass face again?" Rose Red said.

"Easy, darling, not everyone can keep up with your way of speech," Jefferson said.

"Then he shouldn't have trapped my sister in a tent," Rose Red said.

"At least I don't prey on the innocent," Prince Charming said.

"Up until now, I've only ever stolen from the Queen. I thought your carriage was one of hers. No one else ever uses that road," Snow White said.

"I took the scenic route," Prince Charming said.

"Scenic? Yes, you really are a dumbass," Rose Red said.

"Well, lucky for me. All I'm doing, Charming, is what it takes to survive. She wants me dead, she wants Rose best her and away from her own family," Snow White said.

"So, what did you do to incur that much wrath?" Prince Charming asked.

"She blames me for ruining her life," Snow White said.

Rose Red [Jefferson Hatter || OUAT || Mad Red #1]Where stories live. Discover now