Chapter 8

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Sarah, Henry and Emma were talking to Ruby at Granny's diner while Ruby's car was being dropped off by a tow truck.

"So, this boyfriend of hers. You don't think he was involved in her disappearance?" Emma asked.

"Uh, that would mean he was involved with her at all, which he isn't. He left her in the lurch, right after they found out they were expecting. Hasn't spoken to her since. Like I said-," Ruby's car was dropped abruptly and the wolf charm hanging on her mirror almost broke and she rushed over to the white fence around the diner, "Hey! Hey! Hey! Billy, be careful! You lost shattered my wolf thing, Billy. It's good luck," Ruby said.

"I'm sorry, Ruby. But look, it's fine," Billy said.

Ruby smiled at Billy, "Um, Ruby. What about her family?" Emma asked.

"Oh, um," Ruby turned to them again, "She's got a stepmom and two stepsisters that she doesn't talk to," Ruby said.

"Wait. Stepmom, stepsisters, and she's a maid?" Henry said.

"Henry. Not now," Sarah said.

"Look. I don't know what you've heard, but it's wrong. Everyone thinks she's not ready to have this kid, but she's trying. Taking night classes, trying to better herself... Trying to get her life together. Can you understand that?" Ruby said.

"I think so," Emma said.

"Definitely," Sarah said.

"Then maybe you two should just stay out of it. She's been through enough already," Ruby said.

"We've been through it too, Ruby, and we can help her," Emma said.

"That's all we want to do, you know I'd never hurt Ashley," Sarah said.

"Then, try her ex," Ruby said.

"Where can we find him?" Emma asked.

"He lives with his dad," Ruby said


Emma and Sarah made it to Ashley's ex's house and Emma knocked on a door, as Henry waited in the yellow bug and the door opened at the same time a car pulled up on the driveway.

"Can I help you two?" A man asked.

"Sean Herman?" Emma said.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Sean asked.

"I'm Emma Swan," Emma said.

"Sean..." Sean looked at Sarah, "We're... We're looking for Ashley Boyd. She's in trouble. Just thought maybe she came to see you," Sarah said.

Sean's father got out of the car and walked up the steps carrying grocery bags, "My son doesn't have anything to do with that girl anymore. So, whatever trouble she's in, I am sorry for her, but there's nothing we can do to help you," Sean's father said.

"Mitchell, always a pleasure," Sarah said.

"You're the reason he broke up with her," Emma said.

Mitchell looked at them, "Absolutely. I'm not going to let my son throw away his entire life over a mistake," Mitchell said.

"So you just told him to leave her?" Sarah asked with raised brows.

"Well, what are they going to do? Raise the child in the backseat of a car?" Mitchell asked.

"Some people only have the backseat of a car," Emma said.

"Well, they're to be pitied. I'm not letting that happen to my son," Mitchell said.

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