Chapter 3

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The next day, Mary Margaret was in her loft and she sat on her sofa eating her breakfast, looking out then noticed the clock working.

In the street, Archie was walking his dalmatian, passing Mr Gold as Ruby was putting out the sign for Granny's Diner.

At Sarah's house, she had made her breakfast and walked outside, onto her decking and sat on her swing chair. She took a deep breath and looked up, she noticed the clock tower ticking away.

"Sarah?" She looked to see Jefferson walking up to her, "You didn't come back to the shop, and there weren't any lights on last night," He sat beside her as he held out the shop keys, "Here," Jefferson said.

"Oh! Sorry," She took her keys, "I'd lose my head if it wasn't for you," Sarah said and chuckled softly as he smiled slightly at her.

"Happy to keep your head attached to your neck," Jefferson said.

"Thank you... Have you seen the clock tower? It's working after so long," Sarah said.

Jefferson turned to look at it, "I know... It's great, all they need to do now is get the time right so no need for watches," Jefferson said and Sarah chuckled softly before she started to eat her breakfast.

In the Mayor's House, Regina was reading Henry's spellbook that she had taken from his room the night before, and she noticed that the end pages had been torn out.

Regina walked into Henry's room with the storybook and held the book up, showing the torn edges, "The missing pages, where are they?" Regina asked.

"It's an old book. Stuff's missing. Why do you care?" Henry asked as he collected his backpack for school.

"I care because you think I'm some evil queen," Regina made him look at her, "And that hurts me, Henry. I'm your mother," Regina said.

"No, you're not," Henry said.

"Well, then who is? That woman you brought here? I don't like what she and this book are doing to you. Thankfully, both are no longer an issue," The clock tower chimed and Regina turned to it, seeing it ticking away, "What?" Regina said and Henry left while she was distracted.


Emma walked into the boutique and slammed the door, Sarah flinched and turned to her.

"Emma? What's wrong?" Sarah asked.

"That mayor, she is..." Emma said.

"What's happened?" Sarah asked.

"She threatened me to leave," Emma said.

"I'll talk to her," Sarah said.

"Are you friends with her? How? You're so nice and she's... She's completely the opposite," Emma said.

"She's just protective of her son... She has always been there for me," Sarah said as she walked behind her counter.

"Why? Why is she... So..." Emma said as she followed Sarah.

"It's just who she is... Losing both parents... She has all these plans for Henry, and she doesn't want anything to change them," Sarah said.

"I get that... But Henry, he... He doesn't seem, happy," Emma said.

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