Chapter 5

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A white carriage was seen travelling along a path through the forest. Inside the carriage sat Prince Charming and a woman sat in front of him.

"What do you think of the view, my dear?" Prince Charming asked.

Abigail was fanning herself, "I've seen better," Abigail said.

Prince Charming looked away and looking inside a pouch to see an engagement ring not paying attention to the woman's words, "This is taking forever

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Prince Charming looked away and looking inside a pouch to see an engagement ring not paying attention to the woman's words, "This is taking forever. I told you the Troll Road would've been quicker," They went over another pothole and she looked more unimpressed with their journey, "And far less bumpy," She noticed he wasn't paying attention, "Are you even listening to me?" Abigail said.

Prince Charming looked back at her, "Yes, of course, I am," Prince Charming said.

"Whoa, whoa!" The driver said.

"Now what?" Abigail said.

The carriage came to a stop and Prince Charming stepped out, leaving the pouch behind on his seat as he went to investigate and saw that it was a fallen tree. Prince Charming turned back to the white carriage where Abigail still was, "Worry not. It's but a fallen tree," He turned back to the guards with them, "Fellas? Shall we?" Prince Charming said.

Someone in a cloak with the hood up jumped on top of the carriage and Abigail looked up at the carriage rocked.

Prince Charming was looking at the base of the tree and a guard looked at him, "My Lord? What is it?" The guard asked.

"These markings," He brushed his gloved hand over the cuttings, "This tree didn't tree, it's been cut. It's an ambush," Prince Charming said and he and guards drew their swords looking around.

The person on the carriage jumped down and stole the pouch that he left in the carriage. Abigail screamed, the guards and Prince Charming turned around.

"Sir!" A guard said.

"Guards! Stop, thief! Help me!" Abigail said.

The thief jumped on a horse and raced off. Prince Charming got on a horse and chased after the thief through the forest.

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