Part 1- Hate at first sight

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I was dragged roughly onto the plane by the soldier. Sam was following close behind with a glint of guilt in his eyes.
"Let me go! I'm not going with you!", I shouted.
"You don't have a say in this, princess", the soldier responded and with that he threw me over his shoulder and walked up the steps of the plane. He strapped me into a seat tightly so as to prevent my escape. Am I that easy to read? Like seriously! Sam followed shortly up the steps and sat two seats down from me (clearly knowing how angry I was with him)  while Bucky sat directly across from me, eyes fixated on my every movement. I was so annoyed that I decided to stare back at Bucky with just as much determination, neither one of us wanting to lose the staring contest.
"Would you guys cut it out!" Sam intervenes, resulting in Bucky to lose focus while I smirked at my no doubt evident victory.

Shortly, the plane ascends into the air and my chance of escape has flown up in the air (literally). I couldn't believe my dad was forcing me back home! I'm an adult for crying out loud. He can't just force me to do what he wants when he wants me to! Unfortunately for this new fella, he must suffer my rath! Don't worry I'll make sure Sam is equally punished along side him. Oh they'll be so sorry they messed with me!

I take out my phone and play the song Toxic by Britney Spears........and so my revenge begins!
"You're toxic" I sing directly to Bucky.
"Don't start! I mean it" He responds
"We'll this isn't gonna end well" Sam mutters to himself which encourages me to continue.
"Taste of you poison paradise, I'm addicted to you, don't you know that your toxic!" I continue provoking Bucky.
He obviously has a short temper as he jumps to his feet and wraps his hand around my throat, pulling me closer to meet his gaze.
"You're definitely a Stark! Stop playing games with me." He utters.
If he seriously thinks this is suppose to scare me, he's got another thing coming for him.
"I don't know what you're talking about? I was just singing a song" I say while smirking. There is no way I'm gonna back down. I've been through much worse than this, I'd class this as a walk in the park. Obviously Bucky is not happy with my reaction as his grip tightens around my throat and he lifts me closer to his face.
"Don't push it or else" Bucky demands.
"Or else what?" I bounce back. Like seriously what is he going to do? I laugh to myself.
"Y/n please don't start" I hear Sam plead to my right.
"Like I said Sam, I was just singing a Sam" I seriously cannot hold back the smirk on my face. Bucky let's go of my neck and retreats back to his seat. One point to Y/n, zero points to Bucky!

*This is my first story and it's based off of my story on TikTok with a lot more detail. Sorry this chapter is short, I'll make sure to increase the length for future chapters! Let me know what you guys think and anything I can improve on!!!

Thanks again for reading🥰🥰🥰

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