Part 5 - A night to remember

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My blood is still pumping as I return to my room. This only contributes to the fact that I will get little to know sleep tonight. It's just easier to not sleep. To not relive the memories. Every time I close my eyes, I see there.........I see them! Images of the rusted, cold table i once lay on started to pop into my head. I feel my breathing quicken as I can almost feel the cold scraping of the shackles, bounding my wrists and ankles closely to the metal table. I collapse to the floor as more thoughts enter my mind. The whipping, the punches, the was almost like they used my body as a canvas while the knife was the paintbrush. I quickly try to remove these thoughts from my head and get myself sorted. I get up from the ground and make my way to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face. I look at my phone for the time. What! It's 2 am already! But I didn't even sleep.

I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face. I change into a matching pair of light pink satin shorts and a low-cut vest top. I just leave my hair down and I hop into my bed. If I'm not sleeping tonight I may as  be comfortable. I put on Netflix and decide to switch Brooklyn 99. After the earlier events, I need Peralta and Holt's bickering to cheer me up. I swear I get through a whole season without realising it, constantly reciting their lines because this may or may not be the 7th time I've rewatched this series. I press pause as I sit up and walk over to the window seat in my room. The view is breath taking. The midnight blue of the sky compliments the bright, white globe in the middle of the sky which illuminates all the buildings before me. It's absolutely stunning. And don't get me started on the sparkling twinkle from the stars. I swear I could sit here all night counting and memorising all the different constellations. I've grown to love this time of night. The beauty it holds is often overlooked as most people are asleep at this time. If one good thing came from my time at Hydra, this was it. At least I know get to experience this masterpiece which provides a little bit of peace, even just for a little bit.

I'm broken from my thoughts to the sound of pained screams. It almost breaks my heart. I can feel the agonising pain behind each scream. It's almost like a cry for help and I can't help but jump to my feet to find the source of this noise. I reach the door where the noise is coming from and give a little knock. I try knocking again but this time a little louder. Again, no response. 'Fuck it'. I rush into the room and to say I'm surprised by what I see is an understatement.

I'm met by a sleeping Bucky, laying on the floor. His beautifully toned, bared chest was rising and dropping with his continuous panting. His breathing getting quicker the longer I stare at his disheveled state. Another pained scream escapes his mouth and this snaps me out of my thoughts. I quickly rush to Bucky and kneel down beside him, trying to calm him down. I hold his shoulders down to stop his shaking.

"Bucky wake up, calm down!" I try to plead with him.

Bucky's POV
Another day, another mission. The Winter Soldier was once again dispatched. The mission was simple. Gather the information and kill whoever gets in the way. I had the mission completed in no time with little complications. That was until I made my way to leave.

"Please I swear I didn't see anything! Don't hurt me." I see the man scurry for his keys to open his hotel rooms door. Unfortunately for him I disregard his previous statement and follow orders until the end "no witnesses" is the golden rule. As I near the man I can see the fear protruding from his eyes. His body starts to shake and I see the sweat droplets beginning to form on his forehead. As I reach about a few feet from the man I see the colour drain from his face. Regrettably, this doesn't stop me from pulling out my 'Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan, 480 Ruger' revolver and shoot the innocent, defenceless man 'dead'. I'm shaken awake before I can see the man's dead course before my eyes again.

Bucky flies up to a sitting position holding his chest. He had a cold sweat dripping from his forehead. I couldn't resist following the droplet down his immaculate chest.

Wait Y/n, snap the hell out of it. This is the man you hate

"I can't, I can't!" Bucky tries to say through staggered pants.
"Okay....uh.." Think Y/n, think! I can hear Bucky's breathing become heavier.
"Okay Bucky, try and slow your breathing" I try to calm him down by rubbing his back. Unfortunately his breathing becomes more rapid.
"Shh shh, it's okay!" Shit what am I suppose to do.

Without thinking I press my lips to Bucky pulling him in for a kiss. He immediately pulls me closer to his body and I end up straddling his legs on the floor. I entangle my hands in his hair, tugging tightly which earns a moan from Bucky. That was all it took for me to realise what was happening.

A few more seconds of being here wouldn't hurt, right?

One of his hands make it's way to my hair, twisting it's way around the strands. Meanwhile his other hand drops down to the hem of my shirt, slipping under my shirt. The cold metal earning Bucky a gasp from lips, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth. I can feel him smirking against my lips. Damn him getting that reaction out of me, he sure knows what he's doing. After another 30 seconds, I pull back, both of us gasping for air. I quickly remove myself from Bucky's lap and create a little distance from us. I turn my head to wipe my mouth without Bucky seeing, which clearly doesn't work considering the smirk on his face. I immediately roll my eyes. There's a few moments of silence before Bucky decides to break it.

"How did you do that?" He asks, immediately becoming serious again. I don't even know how to respond. I look down before taking a deep breath and averting my eyes back up to meet Bucky's intense stare.

"I..uh..." Bucky nods for me to continue.
"I read once that....holding your breath could stop a panic attack" I swear he is making this harder by staring into my eyes like that.
"So..when I kissed you." I see his lips form into a slight smile before I continue.
"You held your breath!" I continue.
"Why did you help me?" He asks.

What the hell do I say now! That I refuse to sleep at night to avoid being haunted by my demons in my sleep, so I was awake when I heard you screaming. Yeah? No that's not happening.

"I was up and I heard you screaming" I respond short and sweetly. Hopefully he asks no more questions.
"But why?" Great just great, of course he has to continue!
"I was up and I didn't want you waking up the whole tower" I get up and try to leave before I'm questioned any further. I only just make it out of the room before Bucky fires another question at me.
"Why were you up?" He shouts. There's no way I'm going back into that room after what we did.
"I was thirsty so I was up for a drink!" I shout back as a response before continuing back down to my room. This is definitely a night I won't forget. I don't even fully understand the events that had just occurred.

Thank you for reading!!! Sorry this took a bit longer to get out, I was really busy with work this weekend. As usual, let me know your thoughts and any suggestions you may have. And please don't forget to vote and comment🥰🥰

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