Part 12 - The New Arrival

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Y/n's POV

*Back on the quinjet

It's been five minutes since we got back, five minutes since he lifted me to my seat and buckled me in with such care and ease and there's been nothing but silence. Bucky's eyes are fixated on the sky in front of us, he's not even acknowledging my presence. The silence is really beginning to anger me. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole quinjet was rocking because of my uninjured leg shaking up and down. I can't even stop it, I'm too frustrated. I'm not entirely sure what about. Was it that mess of a mission, seeing Rumlow again, my injured leg, or the silent treatment I'm receiving from Bucky. It's irritating as hell! I can't take it anymore I just snap.

"So, what? I'm getting the silent treatment!"

I see him tense his jaw before putting the jet on autopilot.

"That whole mission was a disaster" he spits.

"That was hardly my fault" I shout. He hardly thinks that's all my fault. I know I may not be the most qualified but we were clearly outnumbered. There was nothing we could do - I could do!

"They still want you and they're not going to stop coming for you!"

That's not what I was expecting him to say. It almost sounds like he actually cares about me. No way, that would never be the case. He's probably worried they'll get new weapon inventions off of me. That would certainly cause a hindrance for him, not me! But there's no way they're gonna get me again. I'll be ready.

"I will just have to get stronger"

He jumps to his feet and smashes his fist into the side of the jet. I flinch slightly at the loud crash of the two metals colliding.

Well that's gonna leave a mark I think to myself.

"You won't beat them" he says slowly and deeply, which sends a shiver up my spine. The way he said it sounded scarier than the loud crash when he hit the jet. It takes me a minute to compose myself but then I bounce back to my usual self.

"You know what? Why don't you just go back to ignoring me!"

"That's not going to help your case. You need to leave!"

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes, I would!" He says seriously.

That's kind of ironic, considering he's the one that brought me here in the first place. I never wanted to come here in the first place. This whole situation could have been avoided if he never brought me back here. And now I have to relive all my past memories again, with no one to talk to, no one to understand. I preferred when I was gone. Even though I didn't see my family, at least I didn't have to relive that nightmare. And he has the cheek to tell me to leave now, when he's brought me back into all of this mess again.

"Why don't you go fuck yourself!" I shout in temper, crossing my arms in the process causing Bucky's eyes to drop to my chest. I quickly unlink my arms and give him a stern look.

He makes eye contact with me and smirks; "Come make me".

Is. He. Actually. Serious. He was just telling me to leave and then he has the audacity to make jokes like that. I don't know what infuriates me more; when he fights with me constantly or when he acts like that.

It honestly disgusts me so much. Imagine me and-
No way stop brain, don't even think of anything as vile as that. I don't I would be able to make the journey home without getting sick at least twenty times.

Bucky smirks more when he sees me gagging and holding one hand to my chest.

"Fuck you and your annoying attitude. I swear, how can people stand to be around you?" I continue trying to stop myself from being sick.

"I don't act like this with others. You just know how to get under my skin." He answers my rhetorical question. What a smart chap we have here.

"Then let's not talk to each other. Ever. Again!" I say deadly serious. Enough of his tricks and games. I don't want to be apart of them. He can find someone else to annoy, hopefully it's Sam. I'm still annoyed that he robbed my hidden stash of Oreos last week. This would be the least he deserves. Just he waits until I'm back, he won't know what hit him. Anyways, back to the current situation. Which is just slightly worse than the Oreo situation.

"Fine" is all he says in response. Well, I'm petty and I want the last word. So.......

"Fine" I repeat back.

The rest of the journey goes in silence. When we get back, dad asks how the mission went but we both just go our separate ways. Obviously we eventually tell them what happened later. Bear in mind we were not speaking to each other or in the same room as a matter of fact. Hopefully this will teach them to never put us on a mission together again.


It's been a month and Bucky and I still haven't spoken to each other. We try to avoid each other all together really. If I walk into a room he's in, he'll usually just leave and vice versa. Everything had been quiet this month. It really gave me time to focus on myself.

Tonight is the night. Another one of my dad's party's of course but I'm gonna do it. I'm going to introduce my new boyfriend to my dad.

We walk in together, hand in hand.

"So this is the new boyfriend, Y/n?" My dad says with slight disdain. I give him the knowing eyes and he eases up slightly.

"I'm Billy. Nice to meet you" My boyfriend says putting out his hand to shake my dad's hand, and smoking a cigarette with the other hand.

I see Bucky enter the party and glance over our way before quickly heading to the bar.

"You can't smoke in here" My dad says, zoning me back in to this conversation.

Billy grabs two shots off one of the waiters trays and downs them and screams; "I'll finish this outside".

"Well you sure know how to pick them!" My dad says with a hint of disdain.

"Dad, stop! I need a drink before I hear this" I rush off to the bar Nat is at and quickly get a drink from her.

"You know Bucky hasn't taken his eyes off you tonight" Nat says trying to annoy me for some unknown reason.

I turn around to look at Bucky and to my surprise he's actually staring over at this direction. He's probably just checking Nat out. I don't blame him, she's looking on fire tonight.

"Would you stop. We hate each other. He's definitely looking at your hot outfit tonight"

"He's coming, I'll talk to you later" ,she starts walking away.

"Don't leave me!" She just smirks and continues walking.

"So who's that new guy" he says.

"My boyfriend"

"Seriously that guy?"

"Why, you wish it was you?" My turn to smirk at him.

"Definitely not!"

"Just go away, tin can!"

"There you are babe" Billy walks over to me, shouldering Bucky as he walks past him.

Bucky downs his drink with an annoyed expression on his face. He stands up and walks closer to me.

"Watch your man" he says

"You should watch your mouth" Billy snaps in, and both men get into each others faces before Bucky turns to leave. Billy smirks at Bucky when he looks back over his shoulder and pulls me in for a kiss.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I literally have this whole story planned out but haven't been motivated to write. Plus I've been working a lot over Summer.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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