Part 9 - Returing favours

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I take my time in the shower. Typically I love my showers hot but instead I opted for a cold shower. Things were steamy enough without adding boiling hot water to the mix. I decide to put in a hair mask. I really wanted to waste time so that I could go to sleep straight away after the shower. I didn't need anymore interactions. Once I finish washing my hair I finally force myself to leave the comfort of the shower.

Maybe I can sleep in here instead!

I change and dry my hair in the bathroom before I make my way to leave. I'm actually astonished when I open the bathroom door to see Bucky fast asleep in the bed.

That bastard!

I mutter "dick" to myself hoping that statement pops up in his dream. I couldn't believe him. I can't believe he actually took the bed while I was in the shower. He knows full well I'm not going to share with him but obviously that is of no concern to him. Bed just proving more and more each day that he only cares about himself. I mean how the hell is Steve of all people friends with him. Steve's so sweet and caring for others where as Bucky is just rude and selfish. I mean I know they were friends a long, long time ago so I'm guessing time just changed him. It can do that for some people. But I don't understand why Steve sticks by him. I'll have to check in with Steve and find out more about Bucky. Maybe there's some things that I just don't understand about him. I'm not usually like this; judging people before I get to know them so why haven't I given Bucky a chance yet. I'm whipped from my thoughts when I hear Bucky snoring. Then I am once again reminded of our current situation and I can't help but feel a little envious towards Bucky's sleeping conditions. Lets check acting like a gentleman off his list "lovely traits".

Note the sarcasm!

I'm just too tired for an argument now so I make my way to the couch in our hotel suite. There's absolutely no way I'm gonna share with him. Despite this being a four star hotel, this couch is extremely uncomfortable.

Just my luck.

After about an hour, sleep finally over comes me.

If that's what you want to call it

*In your sleep(dream)
"Y/n if you don't give us information, I'll just have to get it out of your little sister or maybe perhaps your mother. And don't worry, we'll make sure to welcome them just as we welcomed you!" Rumlow smirks at that last remark.

"Please don't hurt them!" I plead. They can't do this. Morgan is too young for this. She wouldn't stand a chance. I can't let this happen but I know if I give up any information Hydra will hurt a lot more people; probably Morgan and my mother included. I have to stand strong. My dad and the avengers will protect them. They will be prepared. I have to trust in them if this is gonna work.

"You know what to do if you want them left alone!" Rumlow warns.

"Fuck you! You're getting no information off of me. Do what you want to me. I know you'll get no where near my family, you're too afraid of my dad and the avengers......hence the reason I'm the one here you're looking for information off of and not my dad! You think I'm the weak link but I can assure you shitface, I'm not weak. I'm Y/n Stark! And I will not be bullied by the likes of you. So go ahead torture me again, beat me down. It will do you no good, I'm not giving up!" I shout at Rumlow. If this was some movie I'd half expect a whole rescue team to rush in after that speech I gave. But to no avail, I was only met by Rumlow's deadly stare.

"If that's what you want then what's what you'll get. You will be of some use to us whether you like it or not. You may put up a strong front but we all know you're just an insecure little girl that from time to time has some daddy issues. You know what even if your dad thought you were alive I don't think he'd come for you. He's happy now with the child he always wanted. He doesn't need nor want you! Face that fact. Wouldn't it feel good to get back at your old man. Help us Y/n!" Rumlow tries to reason with me. I try to make it look like I'm considering his preposition before I burst into a fit of laughter; despite how weak my body is. I swear I can almost see the fire burning out of his ears.

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