Part 2- The past

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My dad and mam were in the kitchen making dinner for my sister, bickering about something as usual.
"Hey dad, I'm just going out for a run" I intervene. "Not too late" My mam cuts in before my dad can even get a word in.
"Be careful honey!" " I will dad!" I shout back as I walk out the door.

My run started the same as all the others. That means I was exhausted after 1 kilometre.
"Thank god Sprinkles isn't here to laugh at my failure" I mentally say to myself. FYI, Steve is sprinkles. I started calling him that after he kept going on about me taking the last doughnut with red, white and blue sprinkles. I swear that man may be old but he sure does act like a baby!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice a black SUV pull up. Out hopped a man that put a cloth up to my face and I was out like a light.

A few hours later
I was tied down to a rusted, metal bed. It was so cold that I started to break out into a cold sweat. What the hell is going on? I tried to break free from my restraints but that was no luck.
"Where the hell am I?" I mutter to myself. I obviously must have been making a lot of noise because soon after a bunch of shorties with lab coats enter the room I'm in.
"So what? Is it a requirement to be below five feet to work here?" I say through my smirk. I get no response which adds to my annoyance.
"What do you want?" Still no response.

"We want information!" A familiar voice pipes in. No f*cking way!
"Pierce? Wha...What are you doing?" I try to stammer out barely but I'm in complete shock.
"I'm one of the leaders here in Hydra!" He snaps back.
"But....but there is no hydra anymore!" I retort.
"We were in the shadows for too long but with your help we will rise from the ashes!" If he actually thinks I'm gonna help him he's got another thing going for him.
"Go to hell! I'm not gonna help you."
"Very well we have our ways of making you comply. Let's see how long you can last."

With that Pierce and the other scientists leave and Rumlow enters the room. To say the least I wasn't prepared for what was about to happen next.

After what seemed like hours of torture I was carried back to a cell. I may have been broken physically but I was not gonna crack anytime soon mentally. Too much was at sake. They wanted information on the avengers. Help with creating new inventions and weapons. They wanted leverage against the avengers incase they found out that Hydra was far from in the dust. Instead they were festering right under their noises. Despite all this I refused to aid them in anyway and my sarcasm only seemed to worsen the punishments coming my way.

*Meanwhile with the avengers
"I have some really bad news" Ross looks dead straight at Tony. "Y/n Stark has been found this morning............and has been confirmed dead!" Tony completely loses it. He collapses to the ground. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. All that can be heard are the wails of Pepper. After what feels like hours, Tony rises from the floor.
"I'm gonna kill whoever did this to my baby. I'm not gonna stop until they're dead!"

The avengers tower was totally tumbled. There was papers scattered, ripped and lying everywhere. Furniture broken! Tony was in his lab. The bags under his eyes suggest he hadn't slept at all.
"Honey please just for today give it a break and then we'll find who did this!" Pepper suggests.
"Please for our babies funeral Tony"
"O...okay." Is all Tony can say.

The funeral was as nice as a funeral can be. Lots of people turned up to give Tony and the avengers support. Even high ranking officials from shield.
" I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a lovely girl, Tony!" Pierce says as he shakes Tony's hand. Tony just nods as a response not really in the mood to get into conversation with anyone.

As time passed on, Tony never stopped tracking your killer. It almost killed him. However some good did come from it. They were able to discover Hydra was back and after the events in New York, discovered they had stolen Loki's scepter along with other weapons of mass destruction. Tony may not be able to get you back but he sure as hell was gonna stop Hydra in it's tracks. Especially when he had a feeling that Hydra was behind what happened to you. And so a plan was made out and the avengers were ready to attack Hydra.

*One year later with Y/n
"So Rumlow tell me. What does it feel like to be always second place against Cap, huh?" Whip to the back.
"Is that why you're here you want to be the Captain America of hydra?" I say through gritted teeth. Another whip to the back.
"I heard you couldn't even beat Natasha in a fight! Now that must have really tampered with your ego!" Punch in the face. Followed by three kicks to the ribs. I rolled onto my side, spitting out blood onto the barren, cold floor.
I knew I was losing consciousness. But to be honest I preferred that. There was no interrogations, no more torture, no more pain!
"I know I'm not Nat but I'd say it feels good for you to finally win a fight" I laugh and with that I'm knocked out into a somewhat peaceful slumber.

What I didn't know was that the avengers were outside, having come to retrieve the scepter. I was awoken to the noise of shooting and fighting. Alarms were blaring so loud that I could feel my ear drums about to burst. What the hell is going on! I tried to lift myself up to look at the cage I was trapped in but it was no use. Rumlow really did a number on me this time. But it sure as hell is worth it if I can make his life a living hell too. I tried to stand up again but immediately fell back down to the ground. Okay I definitely have more broken ribs. I could feel the blood pouring from my back where I had been whipped continuously. My face.... Oh thank god my nose isn't broken. I really didn't want to have to get a new nose or anything.

"Hey open the f*cking door" I really don't want to be in here right now! "Open it or I swear to god....."
"Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice mutter. I turn my head to the source.
"D...Dad found me!" I start to cry.
"Oh baby I thought you were dead!" He says while breaking open the gates and lifting me out.
"Dad it was Pierce! He's Hydra!" " Dont worry about that Honey! Fury has already dealt with him" Finally feeling a bit of peace I fall asleep in my dads arms as we fly to the Quinjet.

*On the Quinjet
"Tony is that..." Steve starts to say.
"Yes it's me sprinkles. What took you so long!"
They all just stare at me completely in shock.
"Aren't you happy to see me!" I cock my eyebrow.
Nat is the first one to break "How are you still alive?" "That wasn't me in the fire they just threw another body in there. That's what they told me anyways" Nat comes up and hugs me.
"Ow, ow, ow. Careful I definitely have some broken ribs!". She just smiles at my abruptness and sits down beside me.

We chat all the way home, me still in my dad's arms because he refuses to ever let me go again. I actually don't mind. I've been waiting for this day for so long. Once dad lifted me off the Quinjet, I was engulfed in a hug by my mam. And so the water works started up again. We all started crying until Morgan ran over and shouted "You're finally back from your holiday!" I couldn't stop the laughing even if it pained me to do so. She was so precious and I missed her so much.

*Back to the present a few years later!
"You know I actually hate you so much!"

I made this chapter a little longer. I really hoped you enjoyed it. This was a look into y/n's past. Please vote and comment on this please and thanks for the support!!!

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