Part 11 - Face to Face

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Y/n's POV
The ballroom is absolutely packed as we enter. Bucky guides me down the stairs arm-in-arm, creating the illusion that we are actually a couple. We mix in amongst the crowd and Bucky grabs my waist with one hand and my left hand with his other. I just look bewildered into his eyes.

"Just go with it" he whispers into my ear.

I don't want to blow our cover so I place my free hand on his shoulder, which was quite a reach despite the heels I'm wearing. His movements were intricate and precise. He sure knew how to move around a dance floor.

"I didn't know you could dance like this" I say nervously.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." He takes a long pause before continuing; "I learned when I was a young fella. Me and Steve had dates to our first school dance. Neither of us had a notion how to dance properly at all." He laughs at that thought; "We didn't want to make a show of ourselves so our mothers planned a whole night to help us learn. Steve was still shorter than his mother so he looked like the girl when they were practising. I teased him over that for years. But at least he could dance a lot better than me. I swear I had two left feet".

"Well it doesn't seem like that now, you're a natural, Barnes." I respond.

"You still haven't heard the best part. We practised all night but I still was not dance worthy, so for the week leading up to the dance, Steve practiced every night with me. I wish someone would have filmed that just so I could rewatch it!"

"I would love to see Sprinkles shorter than me. He always teases me for being short even though I'm 5'8. That's quite tall for a girl you know!"

"Still very short compared to me, Doll" he whispers into my ear.

I just give him a death stare to which he chuckles.

"So what made you want to join the army after school?" I ask wanting to know more about his early life.

Bucky removes his hands from my waist and hand.

"You don't have to tell me if it's too hard to think about!" I reassure.

"That's not it!" He says sternly.

"Then what is it?" I ask.

"Like I said, there's a lot of things you don't know about me and that you don't need to be knowing about me!" He says.

He didn't even give me a chance to respond before saying " we should split up, we'll cover more ground that way!"

"Finally a good idea out of your mouth" I say with annoyance before turning on my heels and trying to get the last word in.

"Just go before I think of other things I can do with my mouth!" He responds to quickly for my liking.

I just ignore him and continue walking.

Bucky's POV
I scan all the rooms trying to find anything or anyone out of place.

Nothing! Everything seems normal. Was this a setup?

I relax slightly now feeling there is no threat. But I don't relax for long as Y/n overcomes my thoughts. I didn't need to be mean to her back there. She was actually being nice for once but I just wasn't sure if she was genuinely asking or if she just wanted to find something to use against me. Her face though when I shut her down. I could see all the colour drain from it. She had no response and that was when I knew she was only being friendly but it was too late to go back. That's just who I am.

A cold, heartless Monster!

Im released from my thoughts by the sound of a familiar voice.

"Good to see you soldier!"

"What are you doing here, Rumlow?"

"Just a little hydra business. It was nice of you to drop Y/n off for a visit too."

"What do you want with Y/n?" I grab his neck roughly.

"Just want a little catch up to reminisce on old times." He says with a smirk.

What the hell is that suppose to mean.

" I can see she still has the looks but how about them scars? Are they still there?"

That just sets me off the wall.

Did he hurt her or is it just playing with me?

It doesn't matter either way because I can't contain my anger. I start punching him. He's quick to respond. I can hear the crowd going crazy around us. The sound of shuffling footsteps moving in a panic only intensified this moment. It reminds me of old times. Fighting when I was him.

The Winter Soldier!

These thoughts drive my will to win this fight. I can see it in his eyes he knows he's going to lose. But those thoughts. Those damn thoughts keep circling in my head. Just long enough for me to get distracted and Rumlow slips a gun out from behind his bottoms, barrel aiming right at my head. I have no choice but to freeze and try and think of a way out of this.

"Put it down Rumlow!" Y/n has her own gun pointed to the side of his head.

"Fine!" Rumlow pauses and be slowly moves the gun down.

He then turns to her and kicks her straight through a glass window which throws us both off guard. She falls about one foot down. Rumlow shouts and more hydra agents enter the room. I'm stuck fighting them off so they don't go near Y/n but once I'm finished with them, Rumlow is gone.

I quickly run over to Y/n who is already trying to get on her feet.

"Stop moving you'll only make it worse!" I snap

"I'm fine, leave it alone!" She snaps back like her usual self.

"Are you serious there's glass stabbing you and your leg is definitely broken!" I pick her up carefully and make my way out of the building.

"Put me down!"

I just ignore her and continue you on to the jet

"This is stupid I can walk and it's only a little cut from the glass" she groans slightly after moving from trying to get down.

I just give her the knowing look and she remains quiet. Not happy but at least quiet. I know it's not a bad cut but still she could make it worse from walking. It's not like I'm not used to her being annoyed at me anyways.

So sorry for not updating in a while but hope you enjoyed this chapter nonetheless. Please remember to vote and comment any suggestions or predictions you may have. I'd love to hear what you think is gonna happen.

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