Part 6 - Waffles and Meetings

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*Your POV
Well there goes another peaceful night of sleep. To be honest it was kind of refreshing having had Bucky be the reason I couldn't sleep this time, instead of the other situation. That reminds me! I need to get more concealer to hide my dark circles I'm almost out. I still can't believe we kissed. What is wrong with me 'oh I read holding your breath can stop a panic attack', like that isn't weird at all. I'm just hoping to forget all of that happened and he better do the same thing.

*In the morning

As usual I go for a cold shower just to try wake myself up and look a bit alive, ya know! God I'm really starving. It's as if our minds are linked, Nat walks into my room.

"You, me, breakfast now!" Nat motions her hand between us. I just laugh at her abruptness. She really isn't a morning person. I quickly change and brush out my hair, leaving it to dry naturally. Not because I'm too lazy to dry it, I'm just trying to save energy, yes, save energy!

I quickly run up to catch up with Nat. We both walk into the kitchen and are greeted by the most delightful smell ever.

Waffles! My favourite.

My happiness is short lived when I see who actually made the waffles and my face turns to a look of disgust.


"What Doll, you don't like waffles?" He greets me with an arrogant smirk.
"I'm more of a pancake gal myself" I lie through the spit of my teeth. Through my peripheral vision I can see the confusion on her face " But since when? Waffles were always your fav....." I cut Nat off with my hand to her mouth before she can continue. Unfortunately, it is too late as Bucky gives me a knowing look.

"Well they used to be my favourite but then Steve made me his pancakes with sprinkles and they are by far superior in every way to these waffles!" That should definitely shut him up for a while.

"But you haven't even tried them yet" he snaps back. He quickly grabs a waffle and stuff it into my mouth. With all my effort I try not to show the enjoyment on my face because damn, these waffles are so good.

"Hmm mediocre at most" I respond, causing Bucky's smirk to transfer into a look of disdain. He huffs and storms away from the kitchen, giving me the perfect opportunity to sneak a dozen more waffles into my bag before he returns.

Nat and I then make our way to the table to finish our breakfast. We get to catch up a lot which was nice. I haven't really talked to her since before I had left last time. I just wanted to forget everything which I know was stupid since they were the ones that helped me. But they all just reminded me too much of the past and I didn't need that then.

"So Tony told me he wants you to join the meeting today. He said he needed to talk to you." Something's not right about this. She refused to look me in the eye when she said it so I know something is off. But there is no point in bringing her up on it since the meeting is in an hour. I'll find out soon enough what my dad wants.

*One hour later at the meeting

I walk into the meeting to a full room. There's only one free seat next to Bucky, which I'm not sitting in so I decide to stand off to the side. I swear thank god I'm not an actual avenger! These meetings are so boring, I wouldn't be able to sit through them on a regular basis. To pass the time, I start picturing the avengers in a different profession. Sprinkles in my opinion would be a model. He's got the whole walk and determined look down to a tee. Bruce would definitely be the science teacher in school that everyone loves. My dad would be a tv presenter with his sarcastic comebacks. Nat would be a sexy lawyer for sure. She definitely knows how to win an argument and she sure as hell knows how to look good doing it. Thor would run a pop tart shop and wear a little apron and everything. He would be so cute with his hair tired back and all. Sam would be a college lecturer because that man never knows how to shut his mouth. This way he would be paid to talk, it's perfect for him. And lastly Bucky, oh he'd definitely be a ballerina. I can just imagine him in one of Nat's leotards and tutu. That drew the last straw and a laugh escapes my mouth which causes everyone to turn and look at me.

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