Let Me Know The Truth

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Madison hesitated, goddammit Gallant for making me second guess myself so much. "I can't lose Zoe, and she didn't leave me when I told her my feelings, so yeah I'm fine with it."

Gallant let out an amused laugh, "you're in love with her and she doesn't feel the same. She literally fake-dated you so she could have Kyle."

"So? We've all done bad things, I can't fault her," Madison defended. Although he was somewhat right, Madison wouldn't let him talk about her that way.

Gallant narrowed his eyes, "like you've done anything bad to Zoe."

On queue, Kyle showed up. It wasn't out of the norm since he and Gallant are best friends, but why would he show up when Madison was there with him. "Hey, I've been looking for you," Kyle said, not making it clear who he was talking to.

Madison stood up and grabbed her bag, "I gotta go," she announced. Before they could say bye, she ran off.

After school, girl's night started. First, they headed into Madison's room to change into their pyjamas before planning to binge-watch the entire Twilight Saga.

Zoe took the clothing out of her bag and started changing, first taking off her shirt. Madison turned away once she saw the other girl's actions, Zoe noticed so she brought the shirt back down.

"Sorry, I'm being weird," Madison apologized, but she kept looking away.

Zoe walked in front of her, forcing Madison to look at her. "I was just trying to be normal, I didn't think of that."

They stood there awkwardly before Madison finally replied, "I'm just going to go to the bathroom." She quickly excused herself and walked into the other room.

Since her bathroom was connected to Coco's room, Madison walked in to see Coco washing her face.

"Heyyyy Coco," Madison smiled and slowly walked towards her.

Coco backed up towards the door, "what do you want?" Madison only used that voice when she wanted something.

Madison dropped her tone back to normal, "I was just wondering if you wanted to join girl's night with me and Zoe."

"Why?" Coco asked. Although she hasn't said anything, Coco was secretly listening to Madison's confession at the wedding. It was an accident, of course, she was just grabbing something from the car and she happened to hear the two of them. Maybe this is why Madison doesn't want to be alone with her.

"Well, you broke up with your boyfriend and we just don't want you to stay heartbroken," Madison lied. She already ran out of pity for Coco and couldn't care less.

Coco slowly nodded, "so you're inviting me to your sleepover because you feel bad for me? This is weird, you're hiding something."

"I'm not hiding anything," Madison responded, she crossed her arms and stood up straight. It was obvious she was lying. Did Coco know about her and Zoe? Or did she see Kyle jump out of her window? Madison thought, but ignored it. It's Coco, what would she even do?

"Fine, I'll join your little party as long as we can play truth or dare," Coco said. She already knew about her sister being in love with Zoe, the other thing she needed to find out was the fact she found a hidden cardboard box of Plan B in their trash can.

With that Madison left to watch the movie with Zoe. After two movies in, Coco came downstairs and stood in front of the two of them.

"Truth or dare?"

Coco picked dare again, even though Madison kept making her do gross things, she wouldn't ever pick truth. It was their third round. After Coco was dared to drink a disgusting smoothie that consisted of mayonnaise, chocolate, and vinegar. It was Zoes turn and she picked dare. Since Coco wanted payback, she went after Madison through Zoe.

"I dare you to kiss Madison for thirty seconds," Coco said. Even though this was downright mean, Madison did just force her to eat the worst thing in the world. Plus she deserves it for the fake pity.

The two looked at each other, Madison was uncomfortable while Zoe was standing there nervously.

"You guys did date, it shouldn't be too hard," Coco taunted. Okay, now she was definitely just being mean.

Zoe looked like she was actually considering it, but said truth instead once Madison showed her discomfort.

Coco sighed in disappointment. "Fine, how was sleeping with Kyle?" She asked.

Zoe wondered how Coco knew that, but then remembered the threesome rumour that spread. "It was fine," she answered.

Madison stepped in front of Coco, her eyes narrowed. "Coco, truth or dare?"

Coco knew if she picked dare, it would be something far worse than before. Madison would probably go as far as shaving her sister's head. "Truth," Coco replied.

"Why did you break up with your boyfriend? I heard a classmate say there was another girl involved," Madison asked.

"What?" Coco mouthed, her face looked hurt but she quickly covered it up by asking truth right back. "Zoe, are you in love with Kyle?"

Zoe stood there silent, watching the other girls asking questions to each other.

"Did he leave you for the mystery girl or did you?" Madison asked back.

In the same angry tone, Coco decided it was time to ask her about the medicine she found. "Madison, answer me this. What was the morning after pill doing in our bathroom?"

Madison didn't ask any more questions after that. Zoe turned around and looked Madison in the eye. "I don't want to play anymore," Madison mumbled and walked up to her room.

After Madison left, a few minutes later Zoe followed her. Quietly she knocked on the door and let herself in.

Madison was laying down while scrolling through her phone, she ignored Zoes presence until she felt Zoe's body cuddle close to her. Madison sat up right away, pushing Zoe off of her shoulder.

"You can't do that," Madison said. "I know I told you to be normal but I need boundaries." Zoe sat up properly too and listened to what Madison had to say. "I don't think we should cuddle or hold hands anymore, stuff like that."

Zoe nodded so Madison didn't have to strain herself talking about how she felt. "I can sleep on the couch then if you want."

"I think that would be best for now," Madison said. She lightly smiled at Zoe taking all of this into consideration.

Zoe turned around and smirked, "Is tickling off limits?"

Madison's smile dropped, "I will kick you out of this house if you do that." 

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