Half Of Me

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"What did it mean?!" Madison exclaimed to Gallant on the bench at school. She told him about the kiss in hopes he could help since she didn't know what to think.

Gallant paused to think about an answer before finally responding with, "No clue, I'm pretty sure she was just drunk." Madison groaned in response, so Gallant grabbed her phone and threw it in her hands. "Just ask her then."

Madison stared at the phone. Should she text Zoe? What if this messed everything up? Gallant tilted his head in annoyance and grabbed her phone. "If you won't ask, then I will."

Immediately Madison grabbed her phone back and decided a text from her would be better than a text from Gallant.

Madison Montgomery [8:43 am]

How are you feeling?

There was no response, which made Madison's mind go to the darkest places. She didn't text back right away? This means Zoe doesn't want to be friends anymore. We kissed, and she hates me now.

Zoe Benson [8:57 am]

Terrible, I'm hungover. Sorry I'll be late for the last day of school.

Madison Montgomery [8:57 am]

So about last night...

Gallant looked at the text with as much anticipation as Madison did. Zoe's response would decide if she was mad at her or not.

Zoe Benson [9:00 am]

Oh my god.

I spilled my drink on Coco's jacket. She's going to kill me.

Madison Montgomery [9:00 am]


About what happened AFTER that.

Zoe Benson [9:03 am]

I don't remember anything after that.

What did I do?

Madison wanted to throw her phone at the tree across from her. Of course, Zoe doesn't remember anything. She was extremely drunk last night. It's even a surprise she'll show up to school today.

"Didn't go well?" Gallant asked with a sheepish smile. He saw the frustration on Madison's face.

Madison put her face in her hands. "She doesn't remember anything," she muttered.

Gallant lightly patted her back since he knew Madison could bite. Surprisingly, she didn't. "Well, maybe Zoe meant it. Drunk people usually do the things they wish they could do when they're sober."

"I hope so," Madison whispered in response.

Zoe ended up showing up to school a bit late. She listened during her first two periods until lunch, where she tried to find Coco. She knew how much clothing meant to her, so she had to apologize.

"I'm so sorry I messed up your jacket," Zoe apologized.

To her surprise, Coco didn't start yelling. She continued putting on chapstick in front of the tiny mirror in her locker. "It's fine, but only because I feel bad," she said.

"Why do you feel bad?" Zoe questioned. After Madison's text, she knew something happened, but this just confirmed it.

Coco rolled her eyes. "Because of the kiss." I thought Zoe was supposed to be smart, she thought to herself, then closed the locker to look at the girl.

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