Ecstacy [Part 2]

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The person pushing the cart walked to the front to see if she was okay and if anything fell. Madison was pissed, but then smiled when she saw it was someone familiar. It's the same girl that Madison met while she was locked in Kyle's pantry.

The girl checked all the speakers on the cart before turning around to apologize. "Sorry- oh wait, aren't you the girl who was locked in the closet?"

"That's me," Madison chuckled. "Do you need any help with that?" She gestured to the cart.

The girl accepted the offer, and they pushed it towards the stage. "I'm spinning later. I'd love some company if you're down."

"I don't know, but I'll think about it," Madison said. She didn't know if this was something she should do. After all, she isn't even over Zoe.

The two got to the stage, and the girl started unloading the boxes. "Well, the offer stands." She winked and then walked off, leaving Madison a little flustered.

Madison was about to walk back into the crowd, but Gallant showed up right in front of her with his gas mask on. Madison jumped back again, scared at his random appearance.

"You have to stop doing that!" Madison yelled, then smacked the mask off of him.

Gallant winced in pain. "Okay, fine," he said while rubbing the place Madison hit. "But that girl you were talking to, she's your type."

Madison was about to deny it, but Coco showed up to do it for her. "She hasn't even picked a gender yet. Calm down with trying to play wingman."

Madison rolled her eyes. She didn't need any labels, and Coco didn't need to put one on her either. "Whatever. Coco, why is your face like that?" Madison asked.

Coco's face was all scrunched up from the loud music. "I have a headache. Do you have any ibuprofen?"

"I'll go find some," Gallant said, leaving a "go for it" to Madison.

Later, Gallant finally showed up with a pill in his hand and brought it to Madison. Coco was nowhere to be found. She was probably looking for her medication since Gallant was taking so long.

"What are you doing? Go give that to Coco. She's all whinny," Madison said, but Gallant stayed put.

"This is for you. Maybe it will help you be more confident," Gallant insisted and brought the pill closer to her.

Madison slapped his hand, causing the pill to fall. "Are you trying to drug me or something?!" she yelled loudly, surprised that no one turned towards her.

Gallant picked the drug up from the ground, but Coco snatched it, thinking it was her ibuprofen. Madison and Gallant were about to protest, but Coco already plopped it into her mouth.

The drug seemed to act fast because 10 minutes later Coco started dancing like it was nobody's business. The other two watched her, making sure she wasn't left alone. Both of them smiled while watching her dance.

Coco stumbled over to Madison and put her head on her shoulder. "My headaches are gone, but I feel so thirsty. Can you get me a drink?"

Madison laughed at Coco's mood change. "I think Gallant should get you the drink, considering he's the one who gave you ecstasy."

Coco moved away from Madison. Her smile quickly turned to an anxious expression. "YOU GAVE ME ECSTASY?!" she yelled, then scurried away in a panic.

Both of them chased after her until Coco locked herself in the coat closet. "I can't believe you let him give me drugs! I thought we were sisters!" Coco cried.

"Just go back to being happy like you were a minute ago. It's not that bad," Gallant said while trying to unlock the closet.

Madison looked around for something to open the closet with but spotted the girl from earlier DJing on the stage. Gallant followed Madison's gaze and smiled. "You should go up there. I'll watch Coco."

Madison hesitated but decided that this might be the best way to stop thinking about Zoe. She thanked Gallant, then walked towards the stage.

She was climbing the small ladder when the girl noticed her and made a signal for her to come over. Madison walked towards her, watching her make a beat with her drum pads.

"I think we should go out sometime," Madison yelled over the music. It was louder since they were closer to the speakers.

She turned to look at Madison and took a side of her headphones off. "What did you say?"

Madison stood there awkwardly. She thought about saying never mind, but Zoe popped back into her head. "I was just asking if you wanted to go out sometime," she repeated.

The DJ laughed. "I'm just messing around. I heard you the first time."

Madison smiled, then introduced herself. "I'm Madison, by the way." After this whole time, she couldn't believe they hadn't introduced themselves yet.

"Montana," the girl replied while playing around with the music. She took off her headphones and put them on Madison so she could write down her number.

In the meantime, Coco was lying on the floor with the coats beside her. She was rolling around and moping while Gallant tried talking her out of the closest. It was taking a while though, and pretty soon, Gallant had to use the washroom. He figured it was fine since no one could find her in there, and he would only take a few minutes.

Coco recognized Gallant's jacket, so she took her phone from it and checked for messages. Finally, Coco was fed up with not getting the message she wanted, so she called the person.

Expecting to go right to voicemail, she started rambling. "I'm on MDMA, and I'm pretty sure I'm dying. This is all yours, Gallant's, and Madison's fault! If you responded, then I wouldn't be in this closet right now!"

"What? Where are you right now?" the voice responded. Coco didn't expect an answer since she completely ghosted her.

"I told you, I'm in a closet!" Coco cried into the phone.

Soon, Coco told the person her location. Gallant got back from the bathroom to see someone with Coco. It took him a long time to get back because there were plenty of distractions.

He was about to yell at the stranger when he recognized the person dragging Coco out of the building. It was one of his friends, the same girl from the cafe he brought Madison to. Instead of stopping them, he waved goodbye to Coco, who lazily waved back.

Gallant turned around to search for Madison but stopped when he saw her and Montana laughing at the DJ booth. Gallant high-fived himself with a proud smile. Damn, I'm good at playing wingman.

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