The First Move [Part 1]

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Kyle arrived on the first day of school. Finally, a senior, ready for the rest of the year to be drama-free. He's over Zoe and has a new girlfriend, the same girlfriend who drove him to school today.

"We're at your public high school that you go to for some reason," she announced. While Kyle attended his classes, his girlfriend would set up a party to kick off the school year.

His girlfriend parked on the side of the curb, and Kyle grabbed his bag from the back seat. "Grace, I can't miss out on the first day," he told her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Grace huffed in anger as she watched him get out of the car. "Well, are you coming over tonight? I can't throw this party without you."

Kyle turned around. After the last party he attended, he didn't feel like going to anymore. "Yeah, I'll be there," he replied hesitantly. At least, this time, Zoe and Madison wouldn't be there.

At lunch, Coco and Madison sat together. After Zoe and Madison's fight, Coco tried to help by letting her sit with her at lunch amongst other things. For the first time, Madison watched Zoe walk into the cafeteria and not sit at her table. They locked eyes, but Coco grabbed onto her sister's arm.

"Why don't we eat outside?" she suggested, but Madison was still looking at Zoe. The latter looked so out of place. She felt bad about the whole thing, but she wasn't about to "owe to what she did."

"What if we invite her over?" Madison said, but Coco shook her head.

"How are you already giving in?" she asked. "You told me Zoe picked Milo. You shouldn't be the one to cave."

Madison tried to convince herself that wasn't what happened, although that's exactly what happened. "It's not like that! She didn't choose anyone."

Zoe glanced at the two now and then. She was jealous that Madison was having such a good time with Coco. How could Coco, out of all people, ever replace me? she thought, but just then, she looked away from Madison to see Milo next to her.

"You good? You've been staring at that table trying to hide your obvious anger for like" — he checked his watch — "ten minutes now."

"Yeah, everything's fine," she lied. "I'm just trying to stop thinking about Madison."

Milo was getting a little sick of hearing about his girlfriend's best friend. Every day, during the summer, she was brought up at least three times a day. "Why not forgive her? It's clear you want to."

She sighed. "How can I forgive her if she hasn't even apologized?"

"Well, you're both gonna suffer then," he said, sounding uncaring. This whole thing made him think: Are you sure you're not in love with her or something? You seem to care way too much about your "best friend."

Zoe groaned but then saw Gallant walk into the cafeteria. She signalled for him to come to sit at her table, but it looked like Madison did the same. Gallant looked at both tables, not knowing which to pick. If he picked Madison's, then he wouldn't be at risk of getting hit. But if he picked Zoe, he wouldn't have to hang out with Coco. He chose the second option, making Madison displeased and Zoe smug.

After the whole lunch thing, Coco and Madison went to science class together. Coco was saying something about Kyle's super-rich girlfriend hosting a party and how they HAD to go together.

"Gallant would get us in if we wanted," Coco continued.

Madison's eyes narrowed at the mention of Gallant's name. "I don't feel like talking to him right now," she said, still pissed off about the lunch thing.

Somehow, Gallant showed up behind them. "Why not?!"

The two almost fell off their chairs. "How did you even get in here? You don't even fucking go to this class!" Madison cursed. "And you know why," she said, answering his question.

"You can't be upset about the lunch thing! I'll sit with you tomorrow," he pouted, but Madison rolled her eyes.

"You can sit with her every day or all year. She needs the company anyways," Madison muttered.

Gallant sat on the chair beside Madison. "Come on. I'm on your side. Can't you just forgive her, so it's not weird anymore?"

Coco caught both of their attention. "Definitely not!" she exclaimed. "Yeah, Madison, forgive her, chase after her, and while you're at it, why not fall in love with her all over again?"

Madison agreed with Coco, making Gallant irritated at her. "You're right. I don't need her, and I don't miss her," Madison said.

"Come on Zoe, she misses you! She told me in class," Gallant lied. Somehow, he snuck into her class too, trying to get them to forgive each other.

"You're not even in her class?! And even if she did, I don't care. I'm not making the first move," Zoe said.

Gallant tilted his head. "Aww, you remember her class schedule. That's a sign." Zoe hated herself for still knowing, so she tried ignoring Gallant until she couldn't.

"I can't forgive her if she won't apologize," Zoe repeated. How many times did she have to explain that she couldn't forgive Madison first? She didn't care if she was being stubborn. Madison was being stubborn, too.

I thought you were the mature one- Gallant mused. "Well, lucky for you, she also told me she wanted to Kyle's party tonight," he lied again.

Zoe should know better than to believe this. Gallant was known for lying. "That's a weird spot to apologize. Are you sure?"

Gallant nodded. "You know her. She loves parties. Madison insisted. Now, come on, let's go pick outfits." he said, trying to sound like it wasn't false. Somehow, Zoe bought it. She might have been desperate enough to believe Madison would do that.

Once Zoe agreed to go to the party, Gallant walked out of the classroom and pulled out his phone.

Gallant [3:25 PM]

Zoe's gonna apologize to you at the party, so come.

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