She Really Hates Me

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A/N: 3 more chapters left...

The next day Madison woke up and felt that someone was next to her. She turned around quickly just to make sure it wasn't Kyle and thankfully It was not. Instead, it was Montana. She wondered what Montana was doing in her bed but then remembered last night's events and smiled.

The girl beside her was still sleeping so Madison decided to check her phone. There wasn't a text from Zoe which was weird since they always texted good morning to each other. But there her phone was flooded by Kyle, which Madison was annoyed about. She clicked on the message anyways to see what dumb thing he's done this time.

Man Whore [10:02 pm]

I am so



She knows

Madison knew what this meant right away. Oh god, Zoe found out, she's going to kill me. Our friendship is over, Madison cried in her head. Her sudden panic must have woken up Montana since she rolled over and slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning," she yawned tiredly. When her eyes could fully adjust, she saw Madison looking alarmed. "I guess last night wasn't as good as I thought," Montana mumbled. 

Madison snapped out of her state of shock to correct Montana. "No, last night was really great. I just...found out I have a test today," She lied. Of course, she couldn't tell Montana the truth but this had to be dealt with right away.

She got out of bed as quickly as she could while texting Zoe multiple apologies. Montana watched the girl rush to get ready then decided to get dressed.

"Don't worry about the test, you're a quick learner," Montana winked, trying to make her girlfriend feel better. Madison still looked scared though so Montana stopped her from frantically packing her bag, "It's going to be okay, just ask Zoe to help you study before the test."

Madison pouted, she couldn't ask Zoe. She was convinced Zoe hated her and they were never going to be friends again. Montana saw that her expression worsened so she tried cheering her up again, "We could just skip school altogether and hang out with my roommates. Just don't worry about the test."

"I have to do this test," Madison sighed and went to grab her bag. Her phone pinged just right when she was exiting her room, it was from Zoe.

Zoe Benson [8:58 am]

Meet me in the courtyard

Madison quickly kissed Montana goodbye and ran out the door to meet Zoe. quickly she got to school and waited for her best friend to come. Madison was thankful that there were other students around, which meant there were witnesses if Zoe decided to kill her.

Soon Madison saw Zoe walking towards her in the distance, then she started running right at her. Madison was scared that she might be running at her with a sharp object but instead, she felt the other girl's arms wrap around her.

Zoe was...hugging her? Madison stood there confused until Zoe finally detached her from the hug. Maybe she was trying to strangle me? But that wasn't the case. Before she could speak her apology Zoe beat her to it.

"I'm so sorry Kyle used you like that. Especially when you were drunk and vulnerable," Zoe said.

Madison looked at her, confused. Wasn't she supposed to be yelling? That wasn't the case at all. After Zoe rejected her at the wedding, Madison only went along with sleeping with Kyle so she could hurt her. But she went along with it anyway.

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