Chapter 3

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When we arrive at my mom's house she's waiting for me on by the front door and when she notices Tamara's car pulling into her driveway I see her smile the biggest smile I have ever seen on my mothers face. I get out of the car and run into my mother open arms, I've missed her so freaking much.

"Oh mom." Is all I can say as tears start to pour out of my eyes.

"My Charlotte I've missed you so much sweetheart." my mom says.

"Hi Tamara darling, it's so good to see you. I would give you a hug but my daughter here won't let me go." my mother says with a laugh.

"It's okay Mrs.Peterson, I understand." Tamara says.

"I'm sorry mom, I guess I missed you more than I thought." I say unwrapping my arms from around my mom and wiping my tears away.

"I know baby, I know. I have missed you too Charlotte, so much more than you think." Mom says pulling back into her arms

After our little moment we made our way inside so me and my Mom can catch up after not seeing each other for 3 hold years.

"Charlotte sweetheart how is school going?" my Mother ask me.

"Good mom, good. It's just- know what never mind mom. How have you've been?" I say not wanting to tell my mom about the hard time I was having with money at the moment.

"What is it that you're not telling me Charlotte?" My Mom says with a serious look on her face. "I know she's not gonna let it go." I say to myself.

"Nothing Mom. It's just that I was having a little money problems but I have it under control now." I lie through my teeth.

"Your lying Charlotte." My Mom says with a (I know you to well for you to lie me) look on her face).

"Mom could you please just drop it? I don't want to talk about my money problems right now." I say getting a little mad at my Mother.

"Okay whatever you say Charlotte but all I was trying to do was help." Mom says with water in her eyes.

"I know you were Mom but I just want to enjoy my time with you and Tamara right now, we can talk about my money problems later." I say with a smile letting my Mom know it's okay.

"Awwwwww how sweet. Now what's for dinner Mrs.Peterson? I'm striving." Tamara says, making me and my Mom laugh.

"What would you girls like to eat?" Says Mother.

"Anything sounds good Mom." I say and Tamara just nods.

"How's about some chicken, rice and corn?" Mom says with a smile.

"As I said before anything sounds good Mom." I say with a laugh, while Tamara just nods again.

While my Mom cooks dinner me and Tamara go upstairs to my old and wait until she's done.

"So Charlotte how's you're love life going, anyone special." Tamara asks while wiggling her eyebrows.

"No there's no one special Tamara." I say with a laugh.

"Charlotte you mean to tell e you've been in New York for three years now and still haven't find a man, What is wrong with you?" Tamara says looking at me like I've lost my mind.

"Tamara please don't look at me like that. I did meet someone a while back but it didn't quite work out, so I decided to focus on school more after that." I explain to Tamara.

"What was his name?" Tamara asks.

"Luke Hemmings, he was 19 and from Australia. Moved to New York to became a doctor, and before you ask yes, he was also Australian. It didn't work out because he was to young and I didn't want to tie him down. Oh and we dated for nearly a year, 11 months to be correct." I explain to Tamara before she could ask a thousand and one questions.

"When did you meet him?" She says with a smile because she find another question to ask me.

"March of 2013." I say with an eye roll.

"How come when ever we talked you never said anything about him?" Tamara ask with a harsh tone.

"Because I didn't want anyone to know until I was sure about mines and Luke's relationship. " I answer honestly.

"Oh. Well you still could have told me Charlotte, I don't like it when you keep things from me. I told you the minute me and Louis started dating. " she says with tears in her eyes.

"She's making such a big deal out this." I say to myself.

I'm sorry Tamara. Next time I promise I will tell you if I start dating anyone okay?"

"Okay, Char." She says as she cross her arms over her chest still a little mad.

"Anyway how's Louis? " I say changing the subject to something I know will make her happy again.

"Oh Charlotte he's great, I just miss him so much." She says with a frown.

"Is he coming home this summer?" I ask.

"Yeah I think so. Last time I talk to him he said he was but I don't know." She says with tears in her eyes.

"Tamara, is everything okay between you and Louis?" I ask with my eyebrows drawn together.

"I don't know to be honest Charlotte. I don't think he loves me the way he use to, we can't have a conversation without one of us starting a fight with the other. It's just so complicated. " She says letting a tear fall down her pretty little face.

"Don't cry Tamara." I say wrapping my arms around her. "I'm sure everything is going to be okay." I say trying to make her feel better.

"I hope so Charlotte, I hope so." She says laying her head on my shoulder.

"Have you heard from any of the other guys?" I ask her.

"Yeah I have, their all coming home to." She says and it makes my smile. I haven't seen Louis, Niall, Harry or Zayn and three years, I've missed them.

We talk for little while longer until my Mom calls us downstairs for dinner.

"Mom this chicken is so good." I say with a mouth full of food.

"Thank you darling but please don't talk with your mouth full." Mom says with a laugh.

Once we get done eating Tamara ask me if I want to go with her to pick Scarlett up from the airport but I turn her down, I'm way to tired. We say our goodbyes making plans to hang out tomorrow when everyone is home.

As I walk back into the house closing the door after showing Tamara out there's a knock. Drawing my eyebrows together I turn around to answer the door thinking "who could this be at the door this late." well it's not that late It's only 8:30.

I opening the door without asking who it is and when I see who it is I wish I would have asked.

"Hi Charlotte."


Hi you guys I just wanted to say thank you to who ever is reading my book. I love you so much for reading it. Well I guess that's all I have to said until next update which is tomorrow.

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