Chapter 5

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Harry decides to take Zayn his bag before we have breakfast well lunch now since it's already 11:30. We pull up to Zayn's Father and Mother's house which look the same as the last time I was here.

"Are you gonna stay in the car or come in with me?" Harry asks me.

"How long do you suppose you'll be?" I ask.

"No more than ten, fifteen minutes." He says.

"Well then I'll go in with you. I'm not gonna sit in the car while your inside running your mouth." I say with a giggle.

"Let's go than." Harry says with a chuckle.

Once Harry gets Zayn bag out of his trunk we make our way to Zayn's front door. Harry knocks on it and we wait for someone to answer.

"Harry where are you taking me for lunch?" I ask as we wait.

"Uh I was thinking we could go to ihop or something." He says as he knocks on the door again.

"Is anyone even hom-" I start to ask but am cut off by the door swinging open revaling a very good looking Zayn.

"Charlotte it's so good to see you babe." Says Zayn as he pulls me in for a hug.

"It's nice to see you too." I say returning his hug.

"Would you guys like to come in?" Zayn ask me and Harry as he pulls away from our hug.

"Sure but we'll only be a few minutes because I'm taking Charlotte out to lunch." Harry says with his dimpled smile.

"Whatever." Zayn replies stepping aside letting us in.

We make our way into Zayn's living room where all three of us sit down on one of the couches. Zayn's house is the same way it was last time I was here. Same pictures, same furniture, same color walls.

"Charlotte I can't believe it's been three years since the last time I've seen you." Zayn says as I get a good look at him. He's changed a little but not to much. He's grown a beard just like Liam but his is a little bit thicker. He has a few more tattoos as well. But he still dresses the same. He has on a black t-shirts with some tight skinny jeans on and some black and blue high top Nike's. He's still the same old Zayn I remember.

"Everyone keeps saying that but I can't believe I stayed gone that long either." I say.

The three of us talk a little more about school and everything. Zayn tells me about his life in Canada and how easy school is for him over there. And I tell him how hard school is for me back in New York. After about 25 minutes before me and Harry decide to leave so he can still take me to breakfast, I mean lunch.

"Zayn are Sure you don't want to join us." Harry ask him for the fifteenth time.

"Nah I'm good. I'll just gonna wait until my parents get back to eat." He tells Harry for the fifteenth time as well.

"Well than, see you later Zayn." I say giving him a second hug.

"Later Char." He replies hugging me back.

Me and Harry make our way back to his car so we can finally have lunch.

When we arrived at ihop we go inside and got a table in the back by a window.

"Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" Our waiter ask.

"I'll have some tea with two spoons of sugar." Harry says.

"Uh I'll just have some orange juice." I say with a small smile.

"And do we know What we're having yet?" Ask the waiter.

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