Chapter 7

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"Harry I don't know What to say." I tell him honestly.

"Like I said before. This will not effect our friendship in anyway Charlotte, we'll still be best friends." He says with a smile that tells me he's not lying.

"Harry I'm gonna be completely honest with you about this. I still have feelings for Liam." I say looking down.

"Oh" Is all he says with a very sad look on his face.

"But I'm willing to still go out on a date with you." I say smiling.

"I don't know Charlotte. I mean you still have feelings for your ex and I don't wanna be your rebound boy." He says all serious.

"I'm not asking you to be my rebound Harry, What I'm saying is that maybe I should try and date someone else to see if my feelings for Liam are just in my mind and not in my heart, If that makes any sense. And you can't just ask me out and than take it back." I say.

"Okay we can try but if you don't feel anything with in our forth date you have to let me know okay Charlotte?" Says Harry.

"Okay Harry." I say with a sweet smile."

"So how about we go out on our first date Saturday night?" Harry says.

"We can't, Zayn and Amy's party is Saturday." I say.

"Tell you What how about I pick you up at 4 Saturday before Amy and Zayn's party, than we go to the party together?" He says.

"That sounds fine." I nod.

"Okay than." He says with a smirk.


The next morning I wake up wrapped in Harry's arms. "We must have fallen asleep like this." I say to myself.

I have to admit waking up in his arms isn't so bad. "But not as good as waking up in Liam's arm were." My self-conscious remind me, and she's right.

While I lay in Harry's arm I think about him and I as a couple. It would be wired because me and Harry have been friends since we were thirteen, and I don't want to ruin the friendship we have if we were to start dating and it ended badly. I don't even know if I like Harry in that way.

"Charlotte dear are you awake?" I hear Mom say from the outside of my door.

"Yes Mom I'm awake. You need something?" I say as Harry stirs in his sleep.

"Yeah, I was wondering would like to go to the mall with me later." She says walking into my room.

"Yeah Sure Mom." I reply.

"Okay good." She says giving me a wired look as she exit. "What was that about." I say to myself.


"Good morning sleepy head." I say with a giggle as Harry opens his eye and look down at me.

"Good morning love." He says with a sleepy smile.

"How did you sleep?" I ask him.

"Very well, and you?" He says pulling me closer to him.

"I slept pretty good." I say wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his chest. To think if I was Harry's girlfriend this is how it would be, him holding me in his arms running his fingers through my hair like he's doing right now.

Harry's phone rings breaking our lovely silence. "It's my Mum." He says answering his phone.

"Hello? Sorry Mum I stayed the night at Charlotte's house, I should've called." He says to his Mom. "Alright I'll be there in a little bit." Harry says ending the call with his mother.

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