Chapter 10

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"We're here." Harry says after a while.

We pull up to this nice looking restaurant that doesn't look to expenses and I'm glad, I don't really like going to fancy places.

"I've never been here before" I say as I get out of the car.

"I have they have really great Italian food here." He tells me.

"The Rosebud" is the name of the restaurant. I thought I had been to every restaurant there was in Chicago, but I guess I haven't.

When we go inside I gapes at how beautiful it is. The wall are white with brown trimming on them. The ceiling is white as well with very big, beautiful and shining chandelier hanging from them. The tables Square with white tablecloths and the chairs are big red and look very comfortable. There's a big staircase in the middle of the room with red carpet covering it, I think it leads to another dining room. There's a bar on one side of the room as well. I have never been anywhere this beautiful before expect for my aunt's wedding reception. It looks a lot more fancy inside than it does outside.

"Harry this looks way to expenses." I say to him.

"Charlotte I know you don't like fancy places so trust me, It's not that expenses." He says walking up to the front desk.

"Hello can I help you?" A nice looking young lady says.

"Yes table for two please." Harry says.

"Let me see if there's a table available, I'll be right back." The lady says walking away.

We wait there for the lady to come back which takes her like 20 minutes I kept telling Harry we could go somewhere else but he said no we were staying here.

"You two are lucky we have one table left, follow me." The lady says leading us to our table. She takes us to a table at the back of the restaurant by a little window.

"Okay someone will be with you two shortly to take your orders." The lady says as we take our seats than she leaves us alone.

"This place is amazing, have you ever been here before?" I ask him.

"Yeah with my Mum the last time I was home. I can't believe you've never been here." He says.

"Me either." I say.

We sit in awkward silence for a while because I guess neither of us knew what to say to one another and It's weird because any other time we have a lot to say but then again this is our first date so.

"Charlotte what's your favorite color?" Harry says outta know where.

"Uh pink."

"Favorite Book?"

"The Fault In Our Stars."

"Favorite movie?"

"Never Been Kissed."

"Favorite food?"

"Uh pizza."

"Favorite Band?"

"The Jonas Brothers."

"Favorite Song?"

"That's a tough one let me see Uh....... right now it would have to be Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. I love Ed Sheeran." I say.

"So he's your favorite Artist?" He says.

"Him or Sam Smith, their music is amazing, if I had to pick two Artist to listen to for the rest of life it would be one of them." I say.

"That's nice." He says with a smile.

"So Harry what's your favorite to all the questions you just asked me?" I ask him.

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