Chapter 2

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Yes I loved Liam but I just felt like it was the right thing to do by ending our relationship before I left for school, but now looking back it was really stupid of me. I mean we could've tried to make a long distance relationship work. Liam wanted to but I didn't, now I just wish I would've tried to make it work.

I miss him so much sometimes it hurts. That's why this summer I plan to get him back no matter what it takes.

"Ma'am wake up the plane has landed." A flight attendant says waking me up but I don't remember falling a sleep.

"Thank you." I say and make my way off the plane.

Once I get off the plane and get my bags I go and try to find my friend Tamara who was picking me up from the airport.

I find her sitting in the waiting area playing with her phone.

"Tamara!" I shout as I make my way over to her.

Once she sees me she jumps out of her seat in runs to me almost knocking me down with the hug she gives me.

"Oh My God Charlotte I've missed you so much!" Tamara says to me.

"I have missed you to Tamara so freaking much." I tell her as I feel tears running down my face.

"Charlotte are you crying?" She ask me. "Yeah, I guess I missed you more than I thought I did." I reply.

"So are you ready to go or are we just gonna stand here in cry in each others arms? Tamara ask me pulling away from our hug.

"Yeah I'm ready, I can't wait to see my Mom, I've missed her so much" I say

"She's gonna be so happy to have you home this summer considering the fact that you didn't spend the last three with her." Tamara says to me.

"I know I didn't and I'm sorry but I just didn't have the money to fly home the last three summers. I know you think it's a shit excuse as to why I didn't come home because I could've just asked my Mom or you for the money but I didn't want to. I hate asking people for money when I should be able to take care of myself, I mean I am a 21 year old woman." I say to Tamara.

"Whatever you say miss independent." Tamara says with an eye roll.

"So how have you been Tamara?" I ask her changing the subject.

"Good, I mean schools been hard but I'm pulling through. I just wish I lived closer to my mom." She says.

"Why don't you just go to a college in Chicago than?" I say.

"Because I don't want to spend the rest of my life living in Chicago. I want to see as much of the world as possible." Tamara answers back.

"What state do you go to school in again? I always forget." I ask.

"California Charlotte. Why is it that every time I talk to you I have to remind you what state I live in now? " She says.

"I don't know, I guess I just have a bad memory or something. " I answer.

"Whatever. " Tamara says with another eye roll.

"Okay, can we go now? I'm so tired from that plane ride here." I say

"Yeah let's go." Tamara says.

On our way to my mothers house we talk more. Tamara fileds me in on everything that has happened since I've been gone, and from what she's telling me I've missed a lot.

Our friend Darcy went off and gotten herself pageant so she had to drop out of school and move back in with her parents. Another one of our friends named Amy has gotten married to some guy she's only been dating for like two month. She's on her honeymoon so she won't be coming home this summer. And our friend Nicole won't be coming home this summer either because she's to busy traveling the world with her band posy poison or poison posy something like that I don't remember. On the bright side of the this news my two favorite people besides Tamara will be coming home this summer. I can't wait to see Scarlett and Lola, I've missed them so much.

"So what time did Lola and Scarlett say they would make here?" I ask Tamara.

"I think Scar said she'll be here at about nine tonight but I'm not sure and as for Lola she will be here until tomorrow. She replies and I nod.

"Charlotte you'll never guess who else is coming home this summer. Tamara says with a smirk.

"Who, who else is coming home this summer?" I ask but I think I already know the answer to this question.

"Liam." she says this time with a full smile on her pretty little face.

"I knew it!" I say to myself, not saying thing else the rest of the way to my mothers house.


Next Chapter will be up tomorrow.

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