All-Sister? 👩🏽

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You watch Trixie fly overhead circling. "What have you been doing in your workshop?"

"(Y/N) GET OUT OF HERE!" You look down at All-Father he shrugged to fight them off.


"ACID BOMBS!" You point up, he looks up sees Trixie smiling. "Fuck..."

You both hear her evil laughter, "BOMBS AWAY!"

Bombs rain from the sky, the fiends were still attacking. The All-Father manages to get behind them. "Stone Wall!" You cast a wall behind the fiends, as All-Father cast one in front of him. Blocking them in, the bombs fall on them.

The fiends scream in pain, as the acid burns through them. The All-Father jumps up onto the roof with you. All-Father catches his breath. "That girl scares me sometimes." Yous watch her laughing.

"She is rather scary. We're lucky to have her on our side."

"Let's keep it that way. I don't think anyone would be able to rival her."

"I doubt anyone could..."

You assist her with Acid Splash, as All-Father reinforces the walls. Building the walls higher and knocking down any that tried to fly away. Trixie drops more bombs on them, going crazy with them. Most of them almost dead, All-Father crashes the walls on top of them.

Trixie flies down to yous, still with the craze looked in her eyes. "Well done Trixie," All-Father

"Good job Trix!"

"Hehehe, thank you ~"

"Where's the rest of the sins and virtues?"

"Fighting, if not Envy was waiting for Sloth and Glutton."

Trixie starts to settle down, "We came to help you, and go help All-Mother."

"Let's get a move on then. All-Mother going to need help."

"Right!" You hop on the broom with Trixie. All-Father jumps from roof to roof. Yous making your way to the castle.

- Lawless -

"Juliet? Oh, where is my sweet Juliet?"

Why isn't she talking back? I thought she made the necklaces so we could talk. Angel-Babe decided we would drop in to see them.

"My Archangel please pick up."

I walk out, "Katie not pick up?"

"No, she always picks up. Why is your daemon not answering you? No surprise."

"Grr, she's not a daemon! No, my Juliet not answering..." He calls someone, "are you calling her again?"

"No, I'm calling Mahiru. See if he knows what's going on."

Right, (Y/N) good friends with Mahiru. Maybe something happens, no no Juliet would have told me.

"You can't either? Do you know what's happen? Okay, we'll meet you there."

"What is it?"

"Mahiru can't get in contract with Trixie or (Y/N) either. We're meeting him at the Gym. They must be something wrong. Mahiru says Trixie always picks up on the second call."

"Let's get going!" We head out, I hope my Juliet is alright.


We make it to the Gym Mahiru and Kuro are out the front waiting. "Mahiru, have you been able to get in contact with Trixer or (Y/N)?"

"No, I haven't. I drop into (Y/N)'s Mum's shop. She said she was going to hang out with Envy."

"We'll check the other world to make sure my Archangel, the Daemon and Trixie is okay."

"she's not a daemon!"

"We should get going to make sure they're okay."

"Kuro right we should get going."

"Right," we head inside. Mahiru opens the portal. "How did you open that?" I ask.

"Trixie gave me I guess a gate key to open in."

We all jump in, we get halfway down I can hear screaming, fighting. "JULIET!"

"Sounds like a fight going on." Mahiru

"We should hurry," Licht

We make it to the end, "(Y/N)! (Y/N) WHERE ARE YOU?!"

"What are they?" I look up to where Mahiru points. They look like little devils things.


They start flying towards us. "RAY OF FROST!" They freeze over.

"Archangel you're safe!" Licht runs over to Katie.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

"Someone said they saw her, Trixie and All-Father heading towards the castle. That's where Sarin Natas is, she's fighting the All-Mother."

"Who is she?" I ask.

"She's a very powerful witch, she was locked up. She broke out, she and her fiends have been terrorizing the town. We need to get to the castle straight away! We need to help the All-Mother and the others!"

"Let hurry then!" Mahiru.

We run towards the castle. I hope my Juliet is alright. If only I hadn't lost my powers. If I died, it doesn't matter as long as she's safe. I'll die for her.

- (Y/N) -

We get to the castle, there's pit fiends everywhere. "Trixie do you still have them acid bombs?"

"Not many, I do have some acid dynamite?"

"Where do you get these ideas from?" All-Father stares at her, she giggles. "Pass me some, I'll make an opening, yous run through. Got it?!"

"Yes!" I hold on to Trixie tight.

She passes him some, "soon as there's an opening go!"

"I'm ready ~"

He throws the dynamite, the fiends scream. Trixie flys through them, "head to the throne room."

"Yep, we'll go through the ceiling! ~"

"Ceilll - Uhhh! Trixie!!"

She dashes up towards the ceiling, she laughs dodging the fiends. I freeze them as we go past. She crashes through the ceiling, there's a path...

"Trixie why is there a path up here?"

"I was bored."

"Of course..."

We make our way to the throne room, as we get closer can hear explosions and fiends screaming.

"Once I kill you sister, I'll be the All-Mother!"

"Huh? I didn't know Sarin was the All-Mother's sister."

"Family secrets," Trixie shrugs.

"We need to help her, lets go out."

"FIRE BOLT!" She blows a hole in the ceiling, we fly through.

"What's this?" Sarin looks towards us. "Oh, little witches come to All-Mother's rescue. How sweet ~ You'll have a new All-Mother soon enough."

"Girls get of here!"


"Right with you Greed! ~"

"A witch of Greed this will be fun!"

"Chain Lightning!!"

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