Witch's War 🧙🏼‍♀️🧙🏼‍♀️

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The first week of school was painful. You wish you were back with Lawless. Cuddling up to him at night, waking up to him in the morning. At least now you had something to look forward to for the school holidays.

You held your crystal while walking to the shop.

"Oh, Romeo oh Romeo where art thou Romeo?" Since the holidays you would deliberately stuff up lines from Shakespeare. Just to annoy him or to get a response.

"It's wherefore not where as in where are you?!"

"Got you again Romeo, haha."

"Juliet, why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm not mean, making sure you're paying attention. Anyway, how are you?"

You were mainly looking to see if the spell had worked on him. You were still really tired and sluggish. Even though you were taking some of the magic you had stored. It was hard to use your vaper. You would make excuses saying you had to see a teacher or go to the bathroom.

"I miss you terribly, Angel-Babe being mean to me."

Lawless had noticed there was something different about himself. He wasn't sure how, at first he thought he was sick. But Servamps really don't get sick. It could be that he was dying, it had been a year since he lost his Djinn and powers. He thought his time was near, not that he would tell you. He didn't want to make you worry, so he acted as if everything was normal.

"Did you start a fight again?"

"Me?! Never!"

"You are such a lair, Romeo. I'm at the shop so I'll talk to you after I finish work. Love you"

"Love you too my Juliet"

He let go of the crystal, stared at the ceiling of the hotel room. "How am I going to tell Juliet. I can't die without saying goodbye."

"Rotten Hedgehog we're stopping off at Tokyo for a few hours. Start packing!"

Lawless jumps out of his seat. "I'll start packing!" He runs off to start packing.

You were in the shop, helping your Mum out. You were in the back making tea, you call from Envy.

"Hey Envy, what's up?"

"Hey Greedy..." You pulled your phone away, made sure it was her calling. It did say Envy, she never called you Greedy before. "What's up?"

"I have your money for you..."

Now you were worried, Envy owed you money. But it wasn't a large amount, she only owed you money because everyone else did. "Okay, where did you want to meet up?"

"Uhh at the gym? The money on the other side..."

"Sure, I'll be there soon."


You hang up, your Mum walked in. "Hey Mum, I got to go out for a bit. Envy wants to hang out."

"Oh okay, I guess Envy finally coming out of her shell."

"It's great, maybe we can hang out more."

"Have fun, be safe."

"Will do!" You ran out the door, made your way to the gym. Along the way, you tried to think about what might be happening. She never called you Greedy, she said she was never going to pay me back. She wanted to be in debt, you said was fine. You knew why she wanted to. You make it to the gym, open the door see her standing in the middle of the floor.

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