Mahiru, Kuro Met The Sins and Virtues 👱🏼‍♂️🐱😈😇

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"Lawly back today!" I ran downstairs, sat at the dining table.

"Someone happy to see their Servamp boyfriend," Lucas says try's and stuff as much food into his mouth.

"Really Lucas second breakfast?" I watch Sierra shake her head.

"You know what he's like Sis, he's a pig." Lucas throws daggers at me, literally.

"No, he's just green with envy. Gluttony can eat so much without getting fat." We both started laughing.

"Anyway, I got to get going. I'm meeting the Sins and Virtues in the park. And seeing lawless tonight." I grab a bacon and egg burger, said my goodbyes and left.

Just as I ran into the street saw Mahiru running towards me, with Kuro on his shoulder. "Hey Mahiru, Kuro, what's the rush?"

"Wanted to see if you want to hang out today?" He stops to catch his breath.

"Bothersome running all this way."

"Sorry, I'm meeting my friends at the park. But you're welcome to come if you like."

"What's up with your clothes and that mark on your hand?" Mahiru point to my left hand.

"This is the mark of Greed, and my clothes? Well, you'll have to come with to find out." I wink at him.

He stood there, I decided to bring him along and pulled on his hand. I ran off laughing, "why are you laughing for?"

"Oh, nothing."

It wasn't long till we arrived at the park, everyone was waiting.

"Greed you made it!" Charity ran up to me.

"Charity I've missed you!" I brought my friend into a hug.

"Oh and who this adorable little kitty?" She picks Kuro up off Mahiru's shoulder, cuddles him.

"That's Kuro, he is adorable, isn't he. And this is my closest friend Mahiru."

"It's nice to finally meet you Mahiru. Greed talks about you all the time. At one point I thought you pair were dating. Then she started talking about this new guy Lawless." She was scratching under Kuro's chin causing him to purr.

"I thought she was cheating on you."

I cover her mouth, "okay Charity that's enough now. How about I introduce you the others."

"Y-Yeah sure." I pull him along again, as Charity was still holding Kuro.

"HEY EVERYONE I'M HERE!" I called out to everyone waving.

"Greed you finally showed up!" Lust waved back

"It's about time!" Wrath shouted

"Wrath calms down, she wasn't that late." Patience try's to calm her down.

"Who's this?" Gluttony said with a mouth full of food.

"Everyone this is my closest friend Mahiru and Kuro!"

"Mahiru, Kuro theses are my friends. Seven Sins and Virtues." He stares at me, guesses I'll have to explain.

"When we were kids we all name each other after sin or virtue. I got Greed, Katie got Charity." She happily waved, still had Kuro in her arms.

"Jasmine is Wrath, Brady is Patience. Trucker is Sloth, Talon is Diligence. Xander is Pride, Willow is Humility. Lillie is Lust, Yusuf is Chastity. Hallie is Envy, Coby is Kindness. And lastly Dax is Gluttony, Temperance is Temperance." He shyly waved to everyone.

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