A Hedgehog? 🦔

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"Bye Mum bye Dad! See you after school!" I ran out of the door made my way to school.

As I was walking, saw a hedgehog running? "What the?" I tried to catch up to it. I didn't want it to run on to the road and get run over.

It stops turn around looks at me. "Please don't charge and spike me." It runs over, close my eyes waiting to be a spike or bitten. Nothing, I open my eyes see it's sitting at my feet.

"Phew thank you for not hurting me." I kneel down, look him over. It starts making noises.

"What's wrong little fella?" It starts jumping.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" It nods like it understands what I'm saying.

"Umm okay, how do you pick up a hedgehog?" I scoop it, surprise it doesn't spike me.

"I guess you're coming to school with me little fella. After school, we'll see if we can find your owner.


I stand outside the gate, "I really didn't think this through. The school doesn't allow pets. Than again Mahiru brings Kuro. He stays in Mahiru's bag, I know!"

I place the little fella down. He watches as I fixed my bag, thank gawd for a three-section bag. Place all my books in the middle section, only my lunchbox in back. Let the little fella sit on, "wait it'll probably be too hard to sit or lay on."

I took my cardigan off made a little bed for it. "There, should last till the end of school." I pick little fella place in the bag, zip it up went to class.


All through class, I watch my bag, hoping it'll be okay. The bell rang for lunch, decided to go outside so I could let it run around. I was about to open the door to go out Mahiru calls out. With Koyuki and Ryusei behind him.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Mahiru asks.

"I thought it was a nice day to sit outside. And..." I take my bag off and unzip it. "And I found this little fella on the way to school." The three look in the bag.

"Hyde, what are you doing?" Mahiru grabs my bag.

"So you know his owner?" I try and take my bag back.

"Yeah, I do."

"Oh that's good, do you mind messaging them. I'll be happy to drop Hyde off after school if they like."

"Sure, I'll message Licht now."

"Thank Mahiru, we going to have lunch or what?" I gesture to go outside.

"Yes, I'm starving!" Ryusei walks past.

"You're always hungry Ryusei." Koyuki comments.

"Yeah yeah," he waves him off.

I follow them out, with Mahiru next to me.

We sat and talk, while Kuro ate anything everything he was given. I set out a little plater of food out for Hyde. Today I brought a salad with Greek Feta cheese. Some Brie, Camembert and cracks.

"(Y/N) you're really spoiling Hyde." Koyuki commented.

"Yeah he's not even yours and you're spoiling him. What a lucky hedgehog." Ryusei added.

"I don't want his owner to think I'm starving him."

I hear Mahiru laugh, "what?"

"It's nothing (Y/N)."

"You three are just jealous." Go back to my salad.

"W-what?" The three shout in unison.

"Yep jealous." I nodded.

The bell rang say lunch was over time for class. I pack up food, seem Hyde loved the cheese. I grab a few more pieces of cheese out. Place him back in the bag gave him the cheese. "That's for being so damn cute!" I boop him on the nose and left for class.


Mahiru gave me the address to Licht's hotel, he was staying at. On the way google him, turns out Licht Jekylland Todoroki is a pianist.

I took Hyde out of my bag, knock on the door. No answer, "this is the right room isn't it?"

I look down at Hyde, "I'll try again."

I knock again, I hear footsteps the door swings open. I see it's Licht, "rotten hedgehog! What do you think you're doing running away!"

I was taken back, yelling at a poor little hedgehog. "H-hi Licht, I'm (Y/N) Mahiru's friend."

"Yes, Mahiru said you found him. You should have kept him." Wow, how mean can this guy be?

"Oh no, I couldn't do that, his yours. I'm sure you would miss him." I know I would.

"No, I wouldn't. Thank you for returning him." He took Hyde out of my hands, closed the door.

"Your welcome?" I stood there staring at the door. "Bye Hyde" I left the hotel.

- Hyde -

I return to my human form, "what the hell Angel-Cake you could have been a bit gentler."

At least (Y/N) took care of me... She was kind, beautiful.

"What do you think you were doing out there?! You know you don't have your powers back!" Like I don't remember.

"I'm not going to stay in here copped up all day."

I'm kicked into a wall, "then why don't you die, die and die some more than!"

Our fight continued till Gil crash our heads together... Again... Cause Angel-Cake to storm off.

"Thank Gil." Crantz thanks him, Gil walks off.

"You're supposed to be my Subclass," I mumble under my breath.

"Lawless what do you think you were doing this morning? We couldn't find you anywhere. You had us worried even Licht was worried." He held a hand out help me up.

I push it away and got up, "I'm going to bed."

"Oh yes, it must have been a tiring day, being with a pretty girl." He started chuckling.

I left went straight to my room, and close the door. "She's not pretty she's beautiful."

I slide down the door, "See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. O that I were a
glove upon that hand, that I
might touch that cheek!"

- Shakespeare's Quote -

"Goodnight my Juliet."

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