All-Mother 👩🏼

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"How long is it going to take us to get to the castle?" Lawless ask

"Not long, you should see the castle soon," I replied, leaning my head on his arm. Feels so nice having him with me again. I don't want to let him go.

"Greed... Greed..." I could hear someone calling me from a distance.

"Who's that?" Lawless looked for the person.

"Not sure..." I look around with him.

"Come on you rotten hedgehog!" Angel-chan started yelling.

"Up here Greed!" I look up, saw Trixie on her broom.

"Haha, Trixie come down here and meet my friends and boyfriend."

She flew down on her broom, with Kijo as well.

- Kijo Japanese for Witch -

I held my arms out, Kijo jumps into my arm. "Hey Kijo," I pat the skeleton cat. I see Charity shaking her head, see Angel-chan say something to her.

I ignore them both, "guys this is my good friend Trixie. Trixie is this Lawless my Servamp boyfriend, Mahiru my closet friend, and his Servamp Kuro. And that's Licht Lawless' Eve."

"Greed you forget about Kijo! Now you hurt her feelings!" She pouted.

"Sorry Kijo, this is Kijo Trixie's cat." I held up her, not that they'll see her. Cause only people who have witnessed their loved ones death can see her.

"Why is she a skeleton?" I froze at Mahiru's question. He can see her?!

"It's kinda freaking me out... I can't face it..." Kuro too?! I look to Lawless, he's staring at my arms.

"What an interesting cat..." Oh, my witchcraft! They can see her?!

"Really Greed you told them?" Charity was anger, she thinks Trixie is just imagining her and I'm feeding it.

"I didn't tell them anything!" Kijo jumps back to Trixie.

"I'm going."

"Hate it when she does that..." I watch her walk away with Angel-chan.

"It's okay Greed, she's not like us."

I sigh, "yeah I know doesn't mean she has to be rude."

"What do you mean like us?" Mahiru asked while Kijo jumps into his arms.

"For those that have seen the death of a loved one, can see Kijo when she's in this state," I replied.

"Not just anyone, someone who you were really close with. Who did you see die?" She bluntly asks Mahiru.

"Trixie you can't just ask people that! It's rude!"

"Oh sorry, I should have gone first. I saw my family die in a car crash. I was the only survivor, along with Kijo. (Y/N) saw her boyfriend Kamina stabbed to death by a guy called Jayden."

Everything went silent, all I could hear was a faint ringing. I felt dizzy then darkness...

- Lawless -

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