Servamps, Eves and Witches 🧛🏼‍♂️👱🏼‍♂️🧙🏼‍♀️

439 11 1

Mahiru and Kuro walked me home. When we got here, everyone was still out. "(Y/N) you need to go to the hospital, you need stitches!"

Mahiru insisted all the way home for me to go. "I'm not going I can fix it." I made my way upstairs to my room.

"Where are you going?" I heard him call out.

"She's so troublesome, she's going to die..."

"Kuro don't say stuff like that!"

I came back downstairs, holding my wand. "What is that? A wand? How is that going to fix your hand."

"Follow me." I lead them down to the basement.

"She's going to kill us, I can't die I'm immortal. She's going to kill you."

"I'm not going to kill you or Mahiru. He's my closest friend, and you are Kuro the adorable kitty right?" I look back at him and see a shade of pink on his cheeks.

I turn the lights on, they stop at the bottom of the stairs. "Are you coming?"

"(Y/N) I don't understand, what's going on?"

I stop at the wall, turn around. "I don't know how to say it. I'm not like other girls Mahiru. I'm a Witch."

They both stare at me, "you're a witch as in spells, cauldrons, black cats and broomsticks?"

I couldn't help but laugh, I ran up to him and hugged him. "Oh Mahiru. You've already seen Vamp and he's not black."

"So he's a Vampire?" As Kuro asked.

"No, he's called Vamp cause he has longer fangs than a normal cat."

"Oh, so he's a normal cat than." Mahiru thought was simple enough.

"Nope, but we'll get to him another time. Come on let me finishing showing you pair." I walk back to the wall, tapped my wand on the bricks. "1, 2, 3, I commander you to open this door."

A brick door open, both of them we were in shock. "Are you coming or you going to stand there all night?"

I walk through the door, both of them followed me in. "So you really are a witch?"

"Yes, I am, haha."

"Kuro you're no normal cat." I pointed my wand at him.

"I'm a Servamp, don't expect me to explain. Explaining a pain..."

"Don't worry I know what Servamps are."

"Wait you know?" Mahiru asks.

"Yes I do, all witches know. We chose to stay away from Servamps." I tried to grab a jar from the top shelf, Mahiru got it down for me.

"Why?" Kuro asked plainly.

"I don't know if it's true or not. Apparently many years ago Servamps started killing witches. To me sounds more like a witch's tale. So witches won't go out looking for a Servamp."

"That's stupid." Kuro bluntly says I laugh at his comment.

I started putting herbs in mortal wave my wand get the pesto moving. The two watch on amazed.

Once all in grind then make a paste, unwrapped my hand. Applied it to my hand wrapped it back up.

"So do you have any questions?" I look at them.

"What happen to the guy in the alley?" Kuro asks.

"J-Jayden... Mum made me a ring of protection." I held up my left hand with a ring on my middle finger.

"It didn't do much," Kuro said

He was right, it didn't do much. "I don't know what happen. Normally Mum's spells always work. But at least he was thrown back."

"Good thing is you're safe now and didn't get badly hurt." Mahiru smile.

"So how long have you had your contract for?" I look between them.

"A year, I pick Kuro up thinking he was a normal black cat. Next day I found him in my lounge room watching TV eating ramen. And... accidentally made a contract." He rubs back of his neck.

"So much for being simple, haha."

"Haha yeah."

"So are there any other Servamps in town that you know of?" I watch the two look at each other.

"What is it?"

"Well, there three in town at the moment." Mahiru started off.

"Lust, Envy and Pride." Kuro named.

"So who's their Eves?"

"Misono is the Eve of Lust. Mikuni his older brother is Eve of Envy. And Tetsu is Eve of Pride."

Misono the Eve of Lust, I wonder who... Wait a minute, Lily wears love hearts as earrings. No, it couldn't be, but he only comes to the shop after 5 o'clock. "Lily the Servamp of Lust?"

"Yep, I'm the Servamp of Sloth."

"That makes sense, a cat for Sloth. They don't do much, haha. So who's the other Servamp?"

"What do you mean?" Mahiru asked.

"You said there's three at the moment, I'm guessing that wasn't counting Kuro. Is the Servamp out of town at the moment?"

"Well, you see..." Mahiru trailed off.

"Please tell me, it's not like I'm going to go around telling everyone."

"It's not our place to say." Kuro looked away

"But you told me about the other three. What's the difference? Have I already met them?"

"Twice actually." Mahiru scratches his cheek.

"Twice?" Twice? What does he mean twice? All Servamps turn in animals. Kuro a cat, I wonder what Lily is? Wait Lily has red eyes like Kuro. So does that mean Lawless is? But I've never seen him in his...

I put two and two together, "I'm so fucking stupid." I hit my head on the bench. "Ow!"

"You are stupid..."

"Kuro doesn't agree with her!"

"Well she is, she just hit her head on the bench."

"Can't believe I didn't see it earlier. When you and Mum warn me about him. So I guess Licht is his Eve." Mahiru nodded.

"You're not stupid (Y/N), just a bit...


"Kuro you're not helping!"

"It's fine Mahiru, but I was. Being a witch I should have known. Explains why I see him during the night. And why licht keeps saying stupid hedgehog."

"Lawless wants you to call him too," Kuro stated

"Right he'll want to know what happen. Yous can go home if you want, I'll be fine."

"You sure?" Mahiru asks still worried.

"I'm sure, anyway I got to talk Lawless or Hyde whichever one it is."

"Okay, remember I'm a call away."

"I know, you're a good friend and you too Kuro."

The two left, I was left in the room. Decided to go to my room and call my boyfriend.

I press Romeo, the phone started ringing, wasn't long till he picked up.

"Hey Lawly or do I call you Hyde?" I didn't know what to say to him.

There was silence... "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?" Break up with him? I don't want to break up with him.

"Romeo I..."

Servamp & Witch - The One And Only Lawless/Hyde x Reader (Servamp)Where stories live. Discover now