To Be Or Not To Be ~ 🙆🏼‍♀️🙅🏼‍♀️

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I'm at the shop helping Mum out. As she tried to figure out what happens to the ring.

"Well sweetheart I don't know what happens, I did everything I normally do."

"It's okay Mum, it still sorts of work. I manage to getaway. Thankfully Licht rang Mahiru, he was able to come to get me."

"I'll have to thank him one day. So how're things with your Servamp boyfriend?"

"Good, he rang last night saying he'll be a day late. So he'll be here tomorrow sometime."

"Shouldn't your trial be ending soon?"

"Yeah at the end of the week actually." She looks happy to hear it.

"Have you decided if you want to stay with him or not?"

"I don't know. We haven't spent much time together, I don't really know much about him. He's the Servamp of Greed, Licht is his Eve. He loves Shakespeare, double espresso, cheeses, mangos, and white peaches."

"Well, maybe you should break up with him. It's only going to get harder from here on in. You know they have a distance limit, so Licht will always be around. Even if you do manage to stay together, what are you going to do move in with them? What happens if Licht gets a girlfriend, there will be two couples living in the same house."

I never really thought about that. "Not to mention, you are a witch. Vampires and witches don't mix. I honestly don't know why he's hanging around."

I really didn't know either. Maybe I was past time for him. He never told me why he likes me, or why he wanted a trial in the first place.

"I think you need to sit down and think about the situation you're in. And what you want."

"I will, I'm going to go see Mahiru."

"Let me know when you get there. I'll see you at dinner."

I left the shop and made my way to Mahiru's apartment.

- Third -

You were making your way to Mahiru's apartment. Thought to yourself, maybe your Mum was right. It'll only get harder as time goes on. He's always moving around due to Licht being famous. Rarely get to see him and spend time with him now. After while you made it to his apartment, knock on the door.

"Oh hey (Y/N) what are you doing here? Not that I mind you coming over." You didn't pay attention to his nervousness.

"I need to talk to someone, well you. You're the only one that knows what's going on. The only one I trust."

He nodded let you in. You sat at the table with your back to the hall. Mahiru sat across from you. Three heads pop out of Mahiru's bedroom door. Kuro, Licht and Lawless. Mahiru glares at them, you still didn't pay any attention too.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?"

"It's about Lawless." Lawless was paying full attention now.

"What about Lawless?"

"Do... Do you think we make a good couple?" You played with the zipper of your jacket.

"Well I'm not sure, I haven't seen you pair together. So I can't say."

You sigh deeply, "Mum suggested that I break up with him. I don't really know much about him."

"Just need to spend more time with him, it's that simple."

"Yeah it is, but all depends if Licht has a performance here or not. Then there's distance limit and Licht doesn't want me around. I don't think he likes me..."

Licht felt a bit guilty for making you feel like he doesn't want you around. He hated that Lawless would take off, without letting anyone know where he was going.

"Licht is always like that, trust me. You can always call him and video call."

"I don't know how to do long-distance relationships. I don't even know how to normal relationship for that matter. Mahiru I'm afraid I'll fuck things up." You rub your arm, trying to think of a way to make things work.

"(Y/N)," Mahiru gain your attention, causing you to look at him.

"Do you love him?"

"L-love him?!"

"It's a simple answer."

You never really thought about it. Yeah, you like him, but did you love him? Did you want to be with him for the rest of your life? Life? How about forever? If you were dying Lawless could just bring you back. You would be his Subclass, a Witch Subclass. You could learn more spells, enchantments, and so much more.

You shook your head, as you were getting off track. Do you love Lawless, you asked yourself. "Yes, I love Lawless. And I'm going to find a way to make it work."

For moment Lawless felt like all was lost, till he heard you filled with determination.

"That's it (Y/N)!" Mahiru smiled at you.

Gave Mahiru hug, left to go home. As you open the door, Mahiru asks you a question. "I've never seen you like this before. Where did this all come from?"

You had a big Chester grin. "Cause I am The One and Only Greed! And I get what I want!" You left and shut the door.

The three males walk out to the lounge. Lawless beaming with pride, "that's my Greedy Juliet!"

"What is she talking about?"

"How bothersome two Greeds." Kuro sat down on the lounge.

Lawless explains why you called yourself Greed. It was what your childhood friends called you as you all had a nickname of sins or virtues.

"I never picture (Y/N) as Greed. She seems more Kindness to me."

"You never really know someone," Kuro commented while playing his PSP.

Lawless was just happy you wanted to be with him. And that you loved him, only made him want to kill Jayden more. So he wouldn't come between you two.

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