The vision

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The guys were watching an old episode of Crognard still obsessing over it, which you found was cute.

Donnie was Locked up in his lab again, with April, AGAIN!

While you were watching vines to get Donnie out of your mind. You were watching Little Einsteins vines. Once the tv show was over and you were the only one in the living room you took your earplugs out and started dancing to the song.

"We're going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship zooming through the sky Little Einstein's!!!!"

( This is a remix, that is the trend right now lol)

Then you looked behind you to see Mikey dancing too, you giggled and he laughed.

You absolutely loved Mikey, he was like your bestie for life now, well according to Mikey anyway.

"What's up Mikey ?" You asked giving him a smile. "Donnie wants you in his lab." Mikey then raised his imaginary eyebrows up and down which made you think wrong and you blushed.

( You little dirty minded thinkers XD)

"MIKEY!!!!" You said, embarrassed and playfully hit him. Giggling, he followed you into the lab.

It wasn't just Donnie in there, it was everyone, they were all staring at you which was giving you the creeps.

"Hey guys, what's up?" You asked, wondering why they were giving you looks and staring you down like you were the last slice of pizza.

Raph then nodded his head and then Donnie nodded. What the heck is going on!? You thought in your head, so you started giving them weird looks.

Donnie was smiling and walked toward you, feeling like you were under a spell from his presence you just stood there,  frozen.

"Hi- um Y/N could I put this on you? If you don't mind?" He had a machine in his hand. He was giving you an awkward smile.

"Oh-oh s-ure" you said shyly and let him put it on.


You thought to yourself.

Once the machine was on you April came up to you and just was starring   at you right in your eyes.

"Um April a-re y-you ok?" Now you were getting a little freaked out.

"Guys, you are scarring her!" Mikey said, the only one who got why you were so shy.

You then lipped out to Mikey thank you with your lips silently and he gave you a thumbs up.

All the sudden you were not in the room you were in the living room,

but how?

You were just with the guys and April in Donnie's lab.

It was very blurry but you saw two figures. Your body was walking closer, you then saw freckled skin that wasn't yours, were you in April's body!?

Yourself in April's body walked closer and you could see Donnie passionately holding someone in his arms and

kissing them......


You yelled now ticked off. But when Donnie let that person go, you realized that girl was


Your eyes became disco balls and your heart was bursting out of your chest.

"WHATTTTT!?!?!? " You screamed

After a quick blink you were back in the lab. "Y/N what did you see?" Donnie asked concerned taking the thing off your head.

"Y/N your pale here, sit down." He pulled up a chair for you to sit in and you just sat there pale faced, blush on your face and with your mouth open all the way to the floor.

"Y/N what the heck did you see!?" Raph asked.

You tried to speak.

"Gah, meh, he,maw,wove,you,meck,meh,whaaattttttttt!?"

You explained but failed terribly.

"Could you say all that in English please?" Raph asked now raising an invisible eyebrow.

You were now shaking in your chair, were you happy? Yes, were you filled with joy? YAAAAAY!


You were scared and what if Donnie found out you saw this!?

I don't think the machine worked Donnie." April said looking mad at him. "

"Wh-wha wa it suppose ta do?" You asked still hardly able to speak.

"Oh! It was suppose to have you go in the future and see what you steal from April! " Mikey said smiling,

but not for long everyone then screamed his name and Raph hit him.

"Hehe we would never think you would do something like that but April had a vision,  most of her visions come true...." Leo said awkwardly.

The atmosphere was now cold blooded,

(well I mean the turtles always had cold blood... BUT U KNOW WHAT I MEAN! )


"I am ether guessing if it had a technical failure it would bring Y/N to see something she wants to happen in the future or be put in a nightmare state. I am guessing she got the night mare." Donnie says acting like his cute nerdy self as usual.

That made you think, you realized what you saw was just something you wanted to happen, it wasn't real.

What were you thinking anyway!? Donnie would never like you that way, HE IS DEEPLY IN LOVE WITH APRIL! Speaking of April...

"April I would never steal something from you" you said looking sad at her.

"I understand Y/N, I am sorry it's just that most of my visions come true so I had to make sure." She said with a concerned smile. Your heart was still beating like crazy.

"I think I am gonna have a heart attack, can someone help me to my room?" You asked and Mikey came to your rescue and started walking you back.


"I know she is lying, my visions are never wrong, I do feel bad for what we did but I found out from this that whatever she stole is something that could break my heart if stolen." April said having her lips curved and her hands crossed by her chest.

The three turtles brothers looked at each other then back at her. "Well what do you want us to do?" Raph asked.

" I also saw when I was sorta in her head that Y/N acts scared around Donnie, she must be afraid of you."April smirks even more. 

"HAHAAH Donnie?! Are you joking!? Why would she be afraid of this dork!?" Raph was cracking up and hit Donnie playfully.

"HEY!!!" Donnie yelled at his brother.

"I mean I get if she was afraid of Raph, but Donnie?" Leo now questioning why you would be afraid of him.

Donnie was not amused. "Guys I am still here ya know!" Donnie yelled at both of his brothers.

With Raph still smirking he asked "what does her being afraid of dorkeinstine have to do with anything?"

Donnie then again hits Raph. "Donnie I want you to hang out with Y/N the more she knows you and how smart you are is somehow scary to her, she won't wanna steal anything from me."

April smirks devilishly liking her plan. Leo then frowns "If we do this, Donnie don't scare Y/N that much it took her a while just for her to not be as shy so just be cautious." Leo was actually worried for you

while Raph was just amazed that you thought Donnie was scary, yet they didn't know that really you were just shy because u liked him(heheh)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(OOOH U ARE GONNA SPEND TIME WITH DON DON :3 SHIP!!!!)

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