Fresh Air

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The guys were officially grounded, for the hole Muck man situation that got them caught, they cleared it all up in the end but for disobeying they were still, extra grounded. Also April got what she deserved after she, well... ~flashback~ (in the episode if u saw it, u will understand this funny part, but if you didn't see it why she did this is because so she could make a distraction to let the turtles escape.) Walking up the stairs, you saw April behind you. She was looking at the guys who got caught trying to sneak out. You on the other hand didn't want anything to do with it. "Sorry Y/N" "sorry?"Wondering why she said sorry it was too late she pushed you off the stairs.
You screamed at the top of your lungs like you were gonna die. (Lol same) Splinter came to your rescue but when he saw his boys escaped he gave you a huge frown. "OOOH don't blame me! Blame the girl who decided it would be perfectly fine to push me to my death off the stairs." Ok a little over dramatic but you were not gonna get in trouble because she pushed you. You then glared up at April. Splinter followed your gaze and growled. "Hehe, nice save?" April was now in big trouble.... ~end of flashback~

You were kinda punished as well. It wasn't fair!!! Splinter broke every tv! Thankfully you still had your Netflix on your phone. Or at least before Mikey tried watching something and ending up having Master splinter breaking your phone. 😭 What was the most worst part you ask? Ever since that cookie smack down, you can't get enough of Donnie.
You even get excited if he just walks by you. ~back to what's happening at this moment.

Man! You needed some fresh air, you were in a sewer for days, you just wanted to see the clear blue sky, the nice breeze, the annoying loud people on the streets that almost get hit by cars. You started walking out of the sewer hoping Splinter wouldn't give you a lecture and just let you go.
"Y/N" you froze in your tracks. "Dang it, so close." You whispered

Splinter chuckled a bit after hearing what you whispered.

" You know it is dangerous to go up there. "

Shrugging, you have been preparing to try and counter against this speech.
"But I need fresh air! " "please master splinter! I will tell you how good the air smells, since ... You ... Never ... Really .. Never mind." "What if the Shredder is still after you?" You then sighed. "They aren't I was just a little damsel in distress, sadly" With a sigh Splinter finally led up. "you may go but, you have to call if anything happens, I am only letting you because you need air, also pick up some cheese at the store while you are at it." You then giggled at his statement.

~ after picking out DA cheese ~
You ended up in a frozen yogurt shop, filling up your yogurt with tons of candy and when people weren't looking you even put your mouth under one of the yogurt dispensers and eating it.XD Once you sat down at a table to eat your frozen treat a man with a black tux and black pants came up to you with narrowed eyes. With yogurt half in your mouth you looked up at the man. "Hewow?" No, it was not polite at all to talk with your mouth full but you wanted to see what this guy wanted, mostly you were hoping it wasn't a employee who saw you eating from the dispensers. He all the sudden pulled out a weird looking machine with a antenna on it and pointed it toward you. "Um... Sir?" The machine then went haywire & blew up. The man went silent for a hole minute then starring deep into your eyes. "You are more powerful than the one know as April O Neil, Therefore you shall come with Kraang so Kraang can use you to take over the world for Kraang. You just stared at him blankly. " excuse me sir not to be rude at all but, have you been....
Drinking ?" Right after you said that he picked you up and started dragging you to his car.
"UM PEOPLE, HELLO HELP!!!??!!!!" No body around you would help, it's like they were all terrified of this man. Kicking, punching, nothing worked "PLEASE LET ME GO RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WILL CALL THE COPS!" You screamed yet the man ignored you, reaching in your pocket for your phone you then remembered you didn't have one because Mikey had to watch Netflix on it. You got thrown into the back of the vehicle and it started driving. Of course you ain't able to move because you are tied up and have tape over your mouth.

~After a while of driving and getting carried into a building.~~~

You looked around the building to see it was some kind of lair. All the sudden you were tied up to a wall and some girl was looking at you. Wait... You knew this girl. "OMG IRMA! I'm so happy to see you, I will ask you how you got here later, can you help me get out of this. " you were so relieved, well until you heard her laughing like a guy. "Nope, you have tons of power more than April O Neil all I have to do is kill you and than all your power will be given to a different person, which is most likely Kraang . "Whoa kill?! I think you have the wrong person Irma and there is no such thing as powers!" Right as you said that you saw Mikey run into the room. "GUYS I FOUND HER!" He shouted once he did everyone came out, April & Casey came too. "Kraang prime let Y/N Go!" Leo yelled pointing his sword at Irma. "WHAT THE HECK IS KRAANG!?" You yelled so confused. All the sudden you saw a huge pink ray coming toward your head and then everything went black.

You woke up to something wet on your head. You moaned, the side of your head hurt. "Oh hey Y/N, how are you feeling?" You saw Donnie coming up to you . Was this a good dream? Being in Donnie's lab having him take care of you, this had to be a dream. "The side of my head kinda hurts." You said touching your side. Donnie gently caressed your hand, moving it out of the way and looking at your head. You were enjoying this. He then looked down deep into your eyes, with his chocolate red ones. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you my beauty." Whoa wait did he just call you his beauty ? "I can protect myself ya know." You said, you couldn't control it. Whoa I didn't mean to say that you thought. What was going on? "You are so strong April. " Donnie said. WHOA WAIT APRIL!?" Your original body then walked into the room and you looked into your body's eyes.(You are in April's body sorry if some of you were confused) Too see it looked like you and Donnie, or I guess you were in April's body, it looked like Donnie and April were kissing. You were standing there. Tears in your eyes watching yourself in April's body kiss Donnie. But you didn't feel anything on your April lips. Your other self screamed no and fell to the ground. Then everything once again went black.

( I don't own anything but this fanfic, idk if I had to do this again but I kept mentioning Netflix so just in case :p)

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