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(Well that was ...crazy ... What did u see from don? ./ I DONT WANNA TALK BOUT IT JUST GO ON WITH THE CHAPter!!!! Ok ok dang..:/) You were now mad at the turtles, except Mikey of course because he stayed loyal to you, well kinda. You were in the spear room on your phone. Flappy bird was not helping you feel better but then again you didn't wanna talk to anyone, so you didn't go on a social media. This was the third day after what happened where you kept your grudge up, mostly because April kept coming over.

You liked April she was nice, but she started the whole everyone thinking you are a stealer mess so you were mad. You heard a soft nock at your door/ slider thingie thing(lol what is it called its brown, master splinter has one XD). Then it opened (wait how can u nock? Ya know what forget the nock thing XD). It was Mikey he had a soft smile on his face "hey Y/n wanna go and prank my brothers with me, dr pranistien could use an assistant" he was being so kind about it, he knew you were mad about all of what happened. "No thanks Mikey, besides I think your brothers wouldn't trust me even more if I started pranking them with you." You were still looking at your phone not making eye contact. "Is April still here?" Again not to be mean but you were curious. "Ya she is in the living room with Donnie." He pointed in the direction where it was. He said his goodbyes and soon after you could hear the screaming of Raph mad at Mikey because he pranked him. You let out a giggle.

They were both watching tv. Donnie of course tried to do something romantic with April but all she did was smile. April then looked into the area of the extra room, that was yours , then exchanged a glance at Donnie. "MMMMMMMMGGHHHHHHMGHHHHHHHH "clearing her breath very loud and tilting her head in side to side motions pointing to your room trying to get Donnie's attention. Donnie looked down at April and saw her making those motions he put on a confused face. "Do you have a migraine ?" April's smiling face was instantly replaced with a bruh face in two seconds after he said that. She then took a glance following her eye at Mikey who was sitting across from them, Donnie's eyes followed then glanced back at her waiting for instructions. April then glanced and pointed her head towards your room. His eyes followed. "Right now?" He asked not wanting to leave her. April was not gonna put up with this and cleared her breath louder and put on a stern face looking back and forth between him and your room. Donnie let out a light sigh and agreed and got off the couch starting to walk to your room/ the extra room.

You looked from your phone to see a shadow walking towards your room, at first you thought it was Mikey but then it got taller and taller and taller, the closer it got.

You blushed and your eyes turned wide, there was no way Donnie was coming to talk to you even just to ask you something and leave April. Maybe she left?

You started thinking crazy and had a little silent hyperventilating session right then and there.

You saw him gently tap on your slider/ door DOOR SLIDER, WHATEVER IT'S CALLED!

"Um Y/N can I come in?" He was rubbing the back of his neck from what you could see of the shadow. Wow even his shadow is handsome.... You felt your heart pump, wait why am I going on with this, he is a turtle! People and turtles can't be together! Well he is half human so why not? You got deep in thought about Donnie forgetting he was at your slider thankfully you weren't thinking out loud. "Y/N you there?" His wonderful voice snapped you out of your daydreaming. "O-OH U-um ya I am here you can c-come in" take a deep breath Y/N you are not gonna be shy around him. You thought to your self. He then opened the door and closed it behind him his red chocolate eyes followed across the room to look into your eyes. Ok scratch the not act shy thing out, you felt like hyperventilating just by him looking at you in the eye. "Hey I was wondering I need someone to hand me tools while I am tinkering with stuff in my lab, do you mind helping me ?" "I mean only if you want to?" Even when he talks he is cute.... SNAP OUT OF IT! Your mind obviously just didn't wanna shut up today. "S-Sure" you said getting off of the floor and following him. When walking past the living room you saw April. Wait a min.... Why didn't Donnie just ask April he obviously likes her more.... Right as you thought that April glanced in your direction with a smirk on her face. Oh no what is April planning.... Was the last thing you could think before you walking into Donnie's lab. Donnie was already under the shell raiser tinkering. "So just w-wondering, why did ask me to help when you instead of someone you.... I don't know, knew Better like, April?" Were you complaining? Oh heck no! But you were curious why this dream come true was well... Coming true!

"Well I don't know you that well so I thought I might ask you to get to talk to you, I know you have been here for a few 2 or 3 weeks but Mikey is the only one who is really really close to you." "I don't know you hardly at all so I thought it would be nice to get to know you. " you could sense him smiling just from his voice, Donnie was such a gentleman. Your mind was doing the not wanting to shut up thing again.

"So did you really make all of these inventions?" You tried to keep up small talk and you were starting to stop being as too much shy around him , it was nice.

BELIVE me you were still shy but not as bad.

"Ya! It's how I deal with stress, it's kinda hard to make stuff when half the time Mikey is throwing a water ballon at your head." You giggled at his statement.

"Hey could you hand me a wrench?" You looked for the object in his red tool box and the put it in his hand, your hands softly grazed each others, you had a light blush on your cheeks. After thinking and touching your hand that touched Donnie's thinking you were never going to wash it Again.

Then you saw the radio and decided to turn it on. Uptown funk (don't own song just putting it in fanfic for example :p) was on. Don't dance,,,,, DONT DANCE! You thought in your mind, at least not In front of Donnie ! You looked at him and he was not able to see you, so you jumped up and started dancing, you just had to sadly. You got Into the grove and was dancing until the song went off. You heard a chuckle. Your eyes turned as big as hockey pucks and you paused in a pose like position. Then turned around to see a smiling Donnie. "H-how much did you see?" You asked now blushing. Donnie let out another chuckle, "all of it, you are a good dancer." You couldn't believe he was saying tht. "Are you lying?" You smirked at him. "Sorta........ Maybe" you guys both shared a laugh. "OH WAIT! I forgot one thing to tinker." He bent down and you could see kinda see his butt.... Not all the way because of his shell tho. You were blushing to no end your eyes wide , starring down you couldn't take your eyes off even when you tried. XD

Your face was bloody red. You made a little squish hand gesture with your hands and you almost died in laughing and embarrassment of enjoying the sight of this. You were trying to hold in your laughter of joy you started coughing a little. Donnie got up "are you ok?" He had a concerned face.

Dang it he got up you thought to yourself.

"Ya just *cough* choking on my spit *cough*. "If you need it there is water in the fridge" he said patting your back, you blushing from his touch.

"No it's ok." Donnie then put his hand under his chin. I know I had that wrench somewhere.... Mikey then ran in. "You mean this wrench?" He then lifted it up. "MIKEY GIVE IT BACK!" Donnie ran after Mikey and you soon joined in you and Donnie soon laughed together after getting the wrench from Mikey. You wanted to hang out with Donnie more often.(DONT own art, just used for a example for the story lol I feel so weird now and I don't own flappy bird just Listing examples :0) PLZ comment I love comments :D ---->> thanks

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