Fitting in.

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After a few days of being kind of shy around the turtles, Mikey finally shook most of your shyness out of you.

You and Mikey were now laughing like lunatics because you just saw Raph trip over a skate board Mikey left out in the open, with the pizza he was eating land right on his face.

"HAHAHAHHA, IT WAS LIKE IT WAS IN SLOW MOTION!!!!" Mikey yelled holding his plastron while laughing.

Then Mikey started imitating how he fell.

You then fell over on the couch laughing so hard holding  your tummy.

Picturing Raph's face in the middle of him falling.

"Mikey stop, your killing
me!!!!" You yelled in-between laughs.

Raph however was not amused and started running after Mikey, while Mikey was running for his life screaming at the top of his lungs. When you finally stopped laughing Leo walked out into the living room and stopped Raph from killing Mikey.

"I'm hungry how about we get April to get us take out from Mr. Murakami."

Mikey said already texting April right after he said it. Leo then sat next to you and looked at you and you smiled

"hey could you go ask Donnie what he wants from Murakami's?"

Leo asked you nicely.

Oh sure, be right back." You said  lgetting up from your spot on the couch and started walking towards the lab.

Donnie was the one you were still a little shy with out of all of them, because you had feelings for him.

You gently knocked on the lab door, Mikey then told you to just walk in, you then looked at Leo for reassurance since Mikey might not have the greatest idea by just walking in on Donnie.

Before Leo could say anything Raph then said "Don't worry Y/N, we walk in on that dork all the time, just walk in there." Listening to Raph, surprisingly, you slowly opened the door and walked into his lab.

"Donnie?" You asked out loud walking in a little bit more.

You saw a purple bandana turtle's head poke out to the side not looking at his computer anymore. "Oh hello Y/N" he flashed a quick friendly smile. "What's up?" He said sounding super friendly and walked up to you, he sounded like he was in a very good mood.

You decided to ask why he was so happy first before asking what he wanted at Murakami's .

"Your a lot more happy then usual, did something happen?"

You asked wondering why he was so happy.

The turtle then blushed.

You felt a burning feeling against your cheeks just looking at him, his chocolate red eyes, warmly looking into your E/C eyes,

making you a bit nervous and you realized you weren't even listening to half of what Donnie Was saying to you,

but you sadly heard the last word he said which was April.

Your heart sank all the way down to your stomach .

You knew Donnie had a crush on April it was kinda easy to see the way he always looked at her, other then that it wasn't that easy, his brothers said that he has become better at hiding it, also Mikey told you about April kissing him back when they had to stay at the farm house, just thinking about that made you sad. You finally remembered why you came in here and asked him what he wanted.

"Tell the guys I said what we usually get." Donnie said showing his adorable gap tooth smile.

You then walked out and told Leo. Later April came with Casey, with a doggy bag and a pizza box.

Out of no where Donnie showed up and hugged April, him and her walked into his lab together.

Looking at them so happy together you thought you should just throw your positive thoughts on you having a chance with Donnie into a trashcan because they looked so happy together.

You would've shipped it....

If you didn't like Donnie!!!!!

You were so tempted to go to a store and buy a hole outfit like April's, a red wig and change your name to April O Neil.

(~•^•~ ) time skip brought to you by Leo's shiny teeth XD.

It's been a half an hour since April and Donnie went into the lab, you were so curious about what they were doing and it looked like Mikey was too.

"I wonder what they are doing in there." Mikey said out loud to everyone. Pointing to the lab.

. "I don't know, probably working on some more retro mutagen or a project Mikey." Leo said
watching tv with everyone else.

Mikey then went up to you and put his lips up to your ear. "Wanna spy on them?" He whispered quietly in your ear.

You then couldn't help yourself but smirk and nod your head.

You and Mikey tip toed to the lab door looking like fools.

Then you guys both pressed your ears against the door, listening to everything you could manage to get a sound out of through the metal  door. "

"I don't trust Y/N." you heard April say,

you and Mikey both looked at each other,

you had a mad/ confused/ hurt look on your face.

"I keep getting pictures in my mind of her stealing something from me. But, I don't know what." She said.

You still there having a hurt look on your face. How could April think you would ever do such a thing?

"I will keep an eye on her April" Donnie said in a reassuring voice.

Your mouth then dropped all the way to the floor, you were so offended.

"I would never do th-"

before you could whisper more to Mikey he covered your mouth and took your other hand, running to the couch. You wondered why until you saw April and Donnie walk out. When they both came to sit down by everyone else, you gave April a dirty look obviously mad at her.

April exchanged a dirty look back and you wanted to jump right at the red headed girl.

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