Seeing the lair

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You woke up to a cold concrete, that made your back shiver against your spine.

Slowly sitting up you saw a computer, and a creepy jar of intestines that was frozen.

You felt like the eyes were starring into your soul. XD

You got up and and looked around the place,

" where am I?" You asked yourself clueless to where you were.

Then you saw the huge door, you opened it. Only to see more turtle humans and humans?

"You gotta be kidding me" you whispered to yourself wondering how could your day get any more worse than this.

They all turned around to look at you and a girl with orange/ kinda reddish hair got up from where she sat and walked over to you. "Hey my name is April, I know this might be a little weird but I promise that we are all friendly." She said with a nice smile and everyone was smiling. You didn't know anyone but Casey because he was in your (best subject class) but you still didn't talk to him because he was one of the cocky boys.

"I gotta find a way to make myself faint again" you whined.

"Don't worry Y/N these are good pals of mine they won't hurt ya" Casey said. "You know this girl?!" A turtle human said with a red bandana on it's face. Casey then replied "ya she is in one of my classes in school." Your facial expression softened. Then all the turtles walked up to you and one with a blue bandana said

"It's nice to meet you Y/N, my name is Leonardo but you can call me Leo."

"These are my brothers Raphael but you can call him Raph."

He said pointing to the red bandana turtle that was giving you a dirty look that made him look mad at you.

"Donatello but you can call him Donnie." He said pointing to a purple masked turtle.

Ooh he's cute.


You thought to yourself as he gave you a little smile.

"Last but not least this is- " he quickly got interrupted by the turtle in the orange mask and that turtle said" I'm Michelangelo, but you can call me Mikey." He did a quick heroic pose which made you giggle. Maybe they aren't so bad I mean, they seem friendly and they did save you. You though a quick little thought.

Then Donnie went up to you and had a concerning look in his eye that made you feel bad even though nothing happened.

"Are you alright? You've been unconscious for 4 hours, would like anything to eat or drink."

He said now giving you a little concerning smile that melted your heart away.

"O-oh well um I am a little thirsty do you have any water I can drink?" You asked. Trying to put on your best smile. Donnie tried to make you feel as comfortable as possible, "of course, I will go get you some, also  make yourself at home" he says kindly and then walks into another room. Everyone walks back to the couch and you walk to the couch, you see Mikey patting on the couch for you to sit by him, so you do. "Do you like pizza Y/
N!?!?" Mikey asked with excitement. "Ya I love pizza." You said looking up from where you sat to look at Mikey, his eyes now huge like he had just won the lottery. "HAVE YOU TASTED ANTONIO'S NEW EXTRA CHEESE AND CHEESE PIZZA?!"

He then jumped off the couch, in a squat like stance. "No it sounds delicious though." You said with a giggle.

Mikey acted like the most weird one out of the bunch he made you feel less shy since you were weird too XD.

He then rushed out of the room and pushed Donnie who just came out of a room to the side, him almost spilling your glass of water. Which made you laugh a little louder now. Donnie frowned and he shook his head, turning it back to a smile when he faced you. "Here you go" he said handing you the glass of water.

"Thank You."

You then took a sip of water. Donnie sat down next to April. "So how did you end up in this mess anyway?" Raph asked raising an invisible eyebrow. So you told him the story. Mikey then came rushing out with a hole box of pizza that was steaming hot. Jumping on-to the couch by his spot next to you he opened the box and told you to take a piece.


Raph yelled at Mikey now mad

"we just ate pizza Mikey" Leo said.

"Yes because she will have a piece and I will have the rest. Mikey replied. Taking a piece out of the pizza box you were just about to take a bite when you look over and see he already ate the hole pizza.

"You ate the hole thing already!?" You asked shocked Mikey than burped very loud and every one complained saying "Mikey!"

And then April says "he does that all the time Y/N, he could probably eat ten pizza boxes under two minutes." You are half way done with your pizza, you are currently chewing a piece when you see a giant rat with a goatee walk into the room and look right at you.

Your eyes became the size of two disco balls and you started choking on your pizza. He walks up to you, now you weren't chocking but in shock. "

"Hello child, my name is Hamato Yoshi"

you then thought of Yoshi from super Mario bros and tired not to laugh or smile.

.  ("Yoshi Yoshi!!!!" Ok I am sorry I had to)

"But you may call me master Splinter or Sensei."

He said his tone serious. "Y-yes master Splinter" you said acting shy  but this time you had a good reason YOU WERE TALKING TO A HUMAN LIKE RAT! "What is your name my child?" He asked "Y-Y/N"

"It is a pleasure to meet you Y/N" he

said kindly you stuck your hand out to shake but he didn't pay attention to it so you just awkwardly put it down.


Raph then smirking at you.

splinter then explained how you had to stay with them, you were pretty obedient in general so you listened to them.

Raph said you took that better then April did when she had to stay.

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