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(1 if u celebrate it HAPPY late EASTER🙏🙏, 2 this is gonna be a cute chapter PREPARE FOR CHEESY NESS! 3 lets get on with the chapter ! )

You were in your room, as usual just talking to your friends, you missed them a ton, because well, when you were trying to avoid a man that could kill you in one punch and had to live in the sewers, it was kinda hard! You then saw a shadow by your door


You figured it was Mikey because the shadow wasn't as tall as the other turtles, he then nocked on your door like Anna did from frozen.

"Do you wanna bake some cookies!!!!???" ~ he did a little song. You face Palmed yourself and laughed opening your door to Mikey. "Sure, because food is an open door"~~ you Started singing to frozen songs with Mikey and you both started skipping into the kitchen like idiots.

Once you got inside the kitchen you saw he already set up everything.

Your eyes darted across the room to see three kinds of cookie batter, sugar, chocolate chip, and birthday cake. "What kind do you want? Lady's choice!" Mikey said bowing. Laughing for how Mikey was being his love able funny self. "WHY NOT ALL OF THEM!?  You screamed.

"Ah yeah! That's what I am talking about!" Mikey exclaimed.

You guys started making them together, you were the taste tester and the mixing person.

In till Mikey started a war......

"These cookies are gonna be the bomb! Especially since I made them!" Mikey said .

Your eyes then darted at Mikey

"You made them? What about me!?" You asked.

"Meh I say I did a better job so I made them." He had a huge smirk on his face.

You then in the process of mixing, flicked the mixing spoon at his face, causing cookie batter to splatter on his face. "Oops." You were giggling your butt off.

"This means war!" Mikey called and threw the hole bowl that you were mixing in your face.

"MIKEY!!!!!!" You screamed not able to open your eyes because of the new liquid on your entire face. The other three ran in the kitchen to see what happened, when they saw you they all went wide eyed, then darted their eyes to glare at Mikey.

While Raph started chuckling, "Raph this isn't funny." Leo started but then his cheeks filled up with his trapped in laughs. You wiped your eyes with your hands to see the turtles on the verge of laughing.

You then took the other bowl of birthday cake mix and put it on Mikey's head.

"HEY!!!" He screamed.

A ninja, yet he did not expect it.

He picked up the last bowl of liquid batter in it and was in the mist of throwing it at you, trying to run away you tripped because of the liquid on the ground, the batter hit Donnie instead.

Everyone started laughing, Donnie was standing there not amused.

"MIKEY YOU ARE SO GONNA GET IT!" Donnie yelled at his younger brother.

Once you get up off the floor, right when you thought Mikey used up the last liquid batter, another cookie batter mix hits you in the face.

"OH COME ON!" You yelled now blinded by the liquid, AGAIN!

"Here Y/N I will help you." Raph says, he wiped the liquid off your eyelids, you open them once more to see he has another bowl of just raw eggs and some milk mixed together in it.

"DON'T YOU DARE RAPH!" Giving him your most terrified, if you do this I will kill you look, he does it anyway 😾.

"RAPH!!!!!!" You scream and try to jump on his back to attack him, or at least the best you can to attack a ninja turtle. But his back was taller, not as low as before, you almost fell off because you were expecting it to be low, but you hanged on. You wipe your eyes more, only to see the bandana isn't red.

Oooooh gosh....
You thought

Donnie was just laughing in joy. "Wrong turtle." Donnie gave you a playful smile, looking behind himself to see you on his back/shell. You just decided to laugh with him because Donnie was kinda being cute.

(OR KAWAII, your choice on how you say it. :P. Lol)

Donnie looked In front of him to see the last bowl of milk, raw eggs, other liquids in it, he was very sneaky and grabbed it, putting it behind himself giving it to you. Donnie whispered to you "who are we attacking? Raph, Leo, or Mikey?"

You wanted your revenge !

"Raph." You whispered back.

Donnie then super fast, or at least to you was super fast, then ran at Raph and you threw the last bowl in his face. Donnie High threed you, while laughing at Raph's face. You then noticed this hole time you have been having your legs linked across him and your arms around his neck, when you didn't have the bowl in your hand at least.

A tint blush appeared on your cheek. You took this time to think about him.

Wow, he has really smooth skin. You thought to yourself. Looking down at where your hands were and rubbing just a little bit to feel his smooth green skin.

Snapping you out of your thoughts he lets you down off his back which you weren't ready for it and fell on your butt, you blushing in embarrassment. "Oops sorry." Donnie did that warm hearted smile and helped you up.

"I am surprised master splinter hasn't......"

Before Mikey could finish, master splinter appears "What was all the ruckus-." Splinter 's eyes went wide. Long story short you guys ended up cleaning everything up and cleaning the rest on the lair... Ugh.

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