(102) Hey /r/nosleep, I have some tips to help you sleep at night!

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Hey guys, I hope this is the right subreddit because I have some great tips to help you sleep better each night. My name is Carver and I've been practicing this for the past five months or so and I've been able to get a full night of sleep again! For the longest time I would have sleepless nights, and the few times I would be able to fall asleep were littered with nightmares. No good! I'll have to keep this short though, I have a daily computer curfew!

I will begin by saying that I'm only 12 years old, so this may not work for everyone, but I think that it will! My methods are simple enough!

My parents normally make me go to my room at 9pm each night. Once I'm in bed, I let my mind wander. Sometimes I'll start to imagine myself flying over my neighborhood at night with the cool breeze hitting my face, other times I'll imagine myself sitting under a waterfall somewhere in the tropics. The point is, you need to let your mind go someplace relaxing. This is a key first step, and it will take some practice because at first you will be experiencing a good deal of nervousness. It's okay! It will take some time to master, but I promise you that it's worth it when you get it down! Anyway, let your mind go to a peaceful place. You want to try to fall asleep within the first 15 minutes of laying down. This is also key! This part will help you sleep through the night. So, anyway, what I do is imagine myself in someplace peaceful, and then let my wandering thoughts take me elsewhere. Sometimes if I'm imagining myself flying, I'll spot something on the ground and fly to it. This normally sets off some sort of adventure in my head. If you do this correctly, you won't even realize that you're falling asleep! It can be fun to live out in your dreams from time to time, it's a very good stress reliever!!

One problem with this method is that if you get used to falling asleep this way, your dreams may become what is known as lucid. What this means is that you are aware that you are dreaming. If you're lucky, you won't have a dream, it makes the night go by faster. But anyways, if you do happen to have a lucid dream, you need to STAY CALM. This part is also key. If you become aware that you're dreaming, it may excite you or make you nervous about what's to come, and this sensation will most likely wake you up. You don't want that to happen! Whenever I find that I'm having a lucid dream, I try to focus on my setting. Focusing on things around you instead of trying to take control of your environment is a good way to forget that you're dreaming, and you'll be able to go back to not knowing that you're asleep, which is the best option. This part will typically last an hour or so, so for me it's around 10:15 when it ends. By this point you should try to stay as calm as possible, that way you can make it through the next half hour!

For other people it may be different, but for me it happens sometime between 10:15 and 10:30 at night.

You will wake up at some point to hands on you. This is when it's key that you DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES. If you open your eyes, He will hit you really hard, and the marks and bruises this leaves will make it harder to sleep during the coming nights. Just let Him do what he needs to do, and you won't get hit! It's that easy! Sometimes you'll feel feverish, and other times you'll feel like you need to cry, but just hold it all in and keep your eyes closed! Oh, and don't make any sounds either. Sometimes you'll want to, but that will also make Him upset! If you're lucky, you'll actually be able to sleep through this part. Sometimes I can! It all boils down to how relaxed you're able to become by the end of the first part when you're dreaming. I find that if you're able to fall into a deeper sleep, you can sleep through this part more effectively. In fact, I've gotten to the point where I'll only wake up once or twice a week now, and I don't get hit anymore. It's pretty awesome!

The next part is pretty much a repetition of the first. Around 10:45pm or so, He'll stop. He'll make a noise that sounds like a sigh, and then He'll leave you alone. He'll leave the door ajar, but DO NOT CLOSE IT. That will make it so that She will hurt you later. But once He's gone, that's when you know how to move on to the next step!

So if you're awake at this point, it's more or less a repetition of the first part again. Try to relax, try to find a relaxing setting in your mind and immerse yourself in it! This time it will be harder for the first few times, because sometimes it will make you cry or sometimes you might ache afterwards. That's okay! This time you have much more time to fall asleep and find your happy place. Normally the second time around, I will think of clouds or the sky, something that doesn't involve me. I don't know why, but when I try to think of myself in these places it doesn't work, like I get upset or something. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm sure some of you will know what I'm talking about! Anyway, you have about 3 more hours to yourself, so like I said before, you'll have plenty of time to fall asleep! Just don't move too much, don't get out of bed even to go to the bathroom. You don't want Them to know you're awake, otherwise it will be worse later on. You can turn over in bed, but that's about it. This time, you probably won't lucid dream, which is normal so don't freak out about it!

Sometime between 1:30 and 2 in the morning, She will come in. If She sees that your door has been closed or locked, She will punish you. Sometimes She will put you in the Hole for a day, and we don't want that to happen! Anyway, this is the hardest part of the night, so if you get through this part you're pretty much home free! You will hear Her come into the room because the door will creak. Hopefully you've woken up at this point because if you're asleep it will definitely wake you up and you'll probably open your eyes from being startled. Eventually you can train your body to wake up at a certain time. I've looked it up and it has something to do with your Internal Clock. It's actually pretty neat and worth reading up on!

Anyway, when you hear Her come in, it is important that you DO NOT MOVE AT ALL. This is key, because Her punishment is worse than His. She will make you hurt for a week, and it makes it so much harder for you to sleep. Like I said, stay still, keep your eyes closed, and make NO SOUNDS AT ALL. If you do this, She will be quick. Don't listen to what She is saying, because it might make you upset. So just stay still and pretend to be asleep. Sometimes She'll touch you just like He did. You have to let her. If you do anything to stop her, your punishment will be really really bad. She will make you bleed with Her blade, and it takes a long time for the cuts to heal. Plus, when She cuts you, She won't let anyone see you for close to a month. I've messed up several times and it's really hard, but I know you all can do it! You'll feel really strange and warm when She touches you, and it makes you need to go to the bathroom, but DO NOT GO TO THE BATHROOM. You have to stay in bed until at least 6 in the morning, then you can pee and take a shower, but if you leave before then, They might punish you.

The rest of the night should be easy, it will take longer to fall asleep after Her visit at first, but eventually you get used to it and you'll be able to sleep for almost the full night! Like I said, this took me a while to master, but it's worth it once you get it down!

Good luck everyone! I hope this helps you stay asleep at night :)

Ghost Stories and Creepypasta (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon